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In her wake, a woman from Lillington, North Carolina, left 2 injured men, one of them a police officer. Warning: Men, reading this will likely cause you to cringe. From The Daily Record:

Rebecca Arnold Dawson of Lillington was in court again on charges of assaulting Lillington Police Officer Ronnie Bass. Officer Bass tried to arrest Ms. Dawson after she allegedly attacked Kevin Russ, left him with one of his testicles partially removed, after a party shortly after Christmas in 2006. She recently pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault charges in the attack on Mr. Russ.

I’m not sure why the paper says “alleged” since she pleaded guilty. How did she “allegedly” partially castratie the man?

…with her bare hands …

So it probably doesn’t surprise you that her arrest did not go smoothly.

Assistant District Attorney Victoria Hardin said Officer Bass had his hands full when he tried to arrest Ms. Dawson. Ms. Hardin said Officer Bass used a flashlight to a detain Ms. Dawson because of an allergy to pepper spray. He repeatedly hit Ms. Dawson on her legs which Ms. Hardin said was necessity. “He used the flashlight because Ms. Dawson refused to put her legs in the car,” Ms. Hardin said.

Officer Bass eventually had to put Ms. Dawson in leg irons to help control her.

She went on to describe a scene that resulted in Ms. Dawson kicking out the windshield of Officer Bass’ vehicle once she was forced inside. She said Ms. Dawson made a clear effort to spit on the officer and did so, with a bloody mix going into his face. She also said Ms. Dawson used profane language during the entire arrest event.

And at the trial for assaulting the police officer, her defense was … self-defense! How did that play?

“Self-defense is not available in this case,” Judge Weeks told Ms. Dawson. “You are clearly not without fault in this case. It is also clear you were trying to do what you wanted and the officer was doing what was necessary to ascertain what was going on. Your injuries are clearly attributable to your conduct.”

Tough talk indeed, but what was the result? No jail time! She pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor. Click here to read more.

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An obstetrician named Roman Hasil has amassed quite a record, both on and off the job. As reported by The Courier:

Dr Hasil committed one of the drink-driving offences, on February 6 at McGraths Hill, just weeks before he was suspended by the NSW Medical Board after a damning report into several botched operations he had performed in New Zealand. He is under investigation in NSW over at least 10 serious patient complaints from his time at Lismore Base Hospital from 2001 to 2005.

There’s plenty more:

Media reports in Slovakia last week also alleged that he drank on the job at two hospitals there as far back as the 1980s. [the 80s!]

Sally Hasil, who was married to Dr Hasil for 12 years, alleged that he was sacked from the Royal Hobart Hospital in March 1997 for not turning up to work because he was drunk but was rehired in November 1997.

Yesterday his ex-girlfriend, Sally Hock, who lived with him in Ebenezer, near Windsor, between January and June this year said that he frequently disappeared for days on drinking binges.

In May 2005 he was sacked from Melbourne’s Angliss Hospital for drinking while on call.

In July he was sentenced to a 12-month good behaviour bond for obtaining money by deception after leaving without paying a $40.30 bill at a Chinese restaurant for a meal and a bottle of wine. He was also sentenced for assaulting a woman in Windsor the same day as the restaurant incident.

He had already been sentenced to a year’s disqualification from driving and fined $250 in the Penrith District Court, on September 8, for high-range drink driving at McGraths Hill.

NSW court documents show that Dr Hasil was sentenced on September 29 in the Downing Centre Local Court for high-range drink driving in Cardiff in June and disqualified from driving for three years and put on a two-year good behaviour bond.

Whew. I’m out of breath! Here’s the source.

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Okay, maybe going to McDonald’s when you have the munchies isn’t such a bad idea. But let’s say, for whatever reason, you try to pay for your food with … pot! I guess it didn’t occur to the hungry gent to sell the weed, and then buy some food? As reported in the Treasure Coast Palm:

A McDonald’s cashier called 911 at 12:22 a.m. Monday after Shawn Alexander Pannullo, 27, of the 4800 block of Second Street, Vero Beach, wanted to trade some marijuana for food, according to the arrest affidavit.

The cashier from the McDonald’s, located in the 5000 block of 20th Street, provided a description of Pannullo’s vehicle. A deputy spotted the car and found marijuana inside, the affidavit said.

Pannullo was charged with possession of cannabis and posted $500 bail Monday.

So did he get the food?

The report didn’t indicate what Pannullo ordered at McDonald’s or if he paid for the meal through other means.

You call that a report? I demand more thorough police work! Here’s the source (with a mug shot).

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What did Canadian elementary school teacher Maria Pantalone do that resulted in her pleading guilty to assaulting a 12-year-old boy? Hint #1: She threw something at him. Hint #2: It was brown. Need another hint? Hint #3: It smells really, really bad. Yes, it was feces! And the kid was not even one of her students! Why did she do it? “I couldn’t take it anymore. It was total, total frustration,” she testified, as reported in the Toronto Star. The punishment? Zippy. No fine or jail time. She was suspended, but with pay. Her future as a teacher remains uncertain. Yes, there are several nagging questions: Where did she get the human feces? What could the kid possibly have done to drive her to do it? We’re unlikely to find out because there is a publication ban to protect the minor’s identity. Damn! Here’s the article.

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A strange crime as reported in The Hartford Advocate:

It’s always surprising to see what lengths people will go to get away with petty crimes, even if it’s for something as silly as ganking baby food. According to the Courant, 22-year-old Bristol resident Paul Bergeron allegedly tried lifting some of the instant baby formula Enfamil from a Shaw’s supermarket on Sept. 26 in West Hartford. Police caught on in the parking lot when Bergeron was seen holding the formula in plain sight and yelling “Go, go, go!” to his getaway driver. They reportedly slammed into an unmarked cop car and Bergeron allegedly tried to get away on foot. He ended up in a fourth-floor laundry room, where he was allegedly punished by a police dog and hit with a stun gun. He faces robbery and assault charges.


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James Ramsey, a kindly Scottish granddad, bought a hamster for his grandkids. A few days later, it died. So Mr. Ramsey returned to the same pet store and bought a bird. Soon thereafter, the bird joined the hamster in pet heaven. As President Bush said in Nashville, Tennessee on September 17, 2002:

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

Um. Okay. Anyway, that was one dead pet too many. Mr. Ramsey went to the pet store, but it was closed. So he kicked the door, and it opened. He got even with that dang pet store by stealing a snake which, per The Evening Times, “is believed to have been found by a shopper in a Partick Supermarket.” Zoinks! How did they catch Mr. Ramsey?

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No, not texting, reading or polishing fingernails. (We actually had a case involving a woman who was eating crabs while driving – I swear.) But this dude, he was injecting himself with heroin while he was driving! Per the Hartford Advocate:

According to police reports, on Oct. 3, 25-year-old Larry Shallow of Windsor was allegedly seen banging heroin while driving on I-291, giving a whole new meaning to driving under the influence. An onlooker allegedly saw Shallow injecting a hypodermic needle into himself who then passed it to his friend. Police followed the car to a McDonald’s, where they reportedly greeted Shallow. He (allegedly) admitted to throwing the needle out the window on the highway and mixing 12 bags of heroin in a bottle cap. Shallow was charged with possession of heroin, drug paraphernalia and, on top of that, driving with a suspended license.


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judge%20Angry%20mad%20pissed%20off%20upset.gif If you’re out on bail for some serious crimes, how do you leave the country, without permission, and not get in trouble? Here’s how: you’re in the Army, and your unit gets called to Iraq (and nobody tells the Judge!) Per the Alabama Press-Register:

In May 2006 a grand jury indicted Sean Sebastian Lane, 33, for enticing a child younger than 16 via a computer, attempting to entice a child younger than 16, two counts of transmitting obscene material to a child younger than 16, and attempting to invite a child younger than 16 to enter a vehi cle, house, office or other place for the purpose of a sexual act.

After police arrested Lane in August 2007, he posted $25,000 bail and was released, according to court records. In May, Lane’s attorneys asked Circuit Court Judge Lang Floyd to allow the defendant to leave the state.

“Mr. Lane is on temporary leave from Iraq and is scheduled to report back for duty July 1, 2008,” the motion states. Lane, who is from Arizona, was stationed at Fort Rucker, according to one of his attorneys.

Well guess what happened before Judge Floyd could rule on the motion? Lane was deployed to Iraq! His lawyers then asked Judge Floyd to reconsider his denial of the motion. He was not pleased.

“I am shocked someone with the right authority didn’t know this,” Floyd said about the bond order and pending charges.

So what is the government’s position in cases like this?

“We are a nation at war, but however no one is above the law,” [Army spokesman Nathan] Banks said. “If it was something that was passed forward, I find it hard to believe that the Army didn’t honor it.”

What did Judge Floyd decide? (In other words, should Lane be allowed to leave the state?!#@)

Floyd, who didn’t rule Thursday, said he planned to contact Army officials to discuss the situation.

And if he sticks to his original decision, refusing to allow Lane to leave the state? Here’s the source.

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Love%20Test%20Machine%20prove%20love%20proof.jpg Ullricht Walter, a German citizen living in South Africa, had good reason to doubt that his wife loved him. Per The Times:

… Ullricht had discovered e-mail correspondence [“steamy love letters”] between [his wife] Linda and her high-school sweetheart, who even flew out from Germany for a clandestine meeting.

So he wanted her to prove that she loved him. As luck (bad!) would have it, a love test presented itself! In an affidavit, Mr. Walter wrote:

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It is not yet known what motivated a 45-year-old woman to drive her car into the courthouse doors. Whatever it was, though, it’s likely the same thing that motivated her to then back up her car, and ram into the doors again… and again … and again! Per the Journal Pioneer:

When police arrived on the scene the woman had backed up a fourth time and rammed her car through the doors again, this time ending up inside the building.

Officers raced in and placed blocks under the vehicle tires.

The woman, allegedly still had her foot on the gas and was attempting to drive even further into the building.

Shazam! Think the bollards are up yet? You can read more (a little bit) here.