That’s apparently the way Dr. Henry Kinch’s mind works. Mrs. B and her husband, Mr. B, were his patients for many years. Oh, and Dr. Kinch prescribed anti-depressants to Mr. B without seeing him. I’m sure you know where this is going …

Yes, you guessed it, Dr. Kinch (married) and Mrs. B (married 20 years, with kids) are in love and have been engaged in an affair. As reported by The Telegraph, when Mr. B confronted his wife, she said “that she was “maybe” having an affair with the doctor.” Um, it’s a “yes” or “no” question. Was Dr. Kinch any more forthcoming? Per Mr. B:
“He was very calm. He replied, basically, ‘Me and your wife love each other. We can’t help how we feel. I’m sorry but that’s how we feel and we are going to live together’.
“I then said, ‘How can you do this? You’re breaking up my family, and my children, a 20 year marriage. You are my doctor, my wife’s doctor and you will break up our marriage.’
‘Do you remember how you felt when you first met your wife and fell in love?’ I said, ‘Yes. Of course.’ He said ‘That’s what I have now. I can’t help the way I feel.’
So, we have a doctor sneaking around committing adultery, with a patient, who is also an employee, and improperly prescribing drugs to her husband [also a patient] and everything is just peachy keen. Have you no shame sir? [rhetorical question, of course]. Dr. Kinch’s dirty laundry is now being aired at a disciplinary hearing before the General Medical Counsel. Here’s hoping they are harder on him than he is on himself. To read more, click here.