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It’s 4:30 a.m. in Lincoln, Nebraska, and this guy needed some cigarettes. He was probably drunk (from drinking Bud Light.) Why would I guess that he was drinking Bud Light? Well sir, as reported by the Lincoln Journal Star:

A man who robbed a north Lincoln Kwik Shop on Monday morning brought a disguise — he was wearing a Bud Light box on his head.

The man had a green rag wrapped around his hand, implying he had a weapon, when he entered the store at 4400 Cornhusker Highway around 4:30 a.m. He made off with nine packs of Newport cigarettes, valued at nearly $50, police Capt. Bob Kawamoto said.

A truly wacky – and at least for now unsolved – crime. Here’s the source.

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You take your car in to be repaired. Clearly you’re not going to leave anything valuable inside of it. But what about leaving the tires and wheels on it? I am not joking. Apparently, you need to take them with you. As reported in The Charlotte Observer:

Mickey Coffino dropped off her Audi at the dealer on a Friday afternoon to get her trunk and window fixed. On Monday, the dealership called to say her tires and wheels had been stolen.

And the dealership won’t pay for replacements!

The reason Audi of Charlotte on Independence Boulevard wouldn’t help out boils down to one thing: insurance.

Each Audi dealership is an independent business and carries insurance to protect from liability. Though General Manager Bill Taylor said he wished he could do more, he said making an exception to his written policy for customers’ property would open him to claims of unfairness from past customers.

“The dealership goes to great lengths to protect the customer’s property,” Taylor said.

“Great lengths?” Hmmm. Check out his analogy:

He described the situation as one in which a person goes to a shopping mall and buys something at Target. The customer puts the item in the car and goes shopping at Old Navy. While in the second store, the customer’s car is vandalized. Should Target or Old Navy be held responsible?

Um – NO! She left her car in your care. Do you not see the difference? The customer didn’t take her car to Old Navy or Target to be repaired. And though it appears that, contractually, the dealer is on solid ground, I DON’T CARE. Do the right thing by the customer. Is this really the kind of PR a car dealership wants in these brutal times for the auto industry? We’re talking about $1,000! Sheesh.

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Okay, how do you feel about strip “throw rocks at cars on the highway from an overpass” poker? Yes, that’s what two dipshits in Washington have been charged with. As reported by KOMO News:

State troopers have arrested two people suspected of damaging at least 14 vehicles by throwing baseball-sized rocks onto them from a railroad trestle over Interstate 5 as a part of a stripping game.

Washington State Patrol Trooper Guy Gill said 23-year-old Joshua N. Sizemore and 18-year-old Amanda L. Madison were tossing large rocks from the trestle near Bridgeport way about midnight.

The rules of this “game?”

Investigators said the couple was playing a stripping game, the rules … involved Madison shedding a layer of clothes for every left headlight the two managed to bust. The same rule applied to Sizemore and right headlights.

The Juice’s blood is boiling. How were they caught?

Sizemore and Madison were tracked down by troopers on the ground with assistance from a State Patrol airplane which captured video of the couple throwing rocks. Investigators said Madison was in her underwear when police caught up with the couple.

Oh, and one of the cars that was hit was a police car!

“I think we very possibly could have saved a life,” said Trooper Eric Hatteberg.

Double true.

Both Madison and Sizemore were booked into the Pierce County Jail for investigation of malicious mischief and assault.

Here’s the source.

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I’ll give you a hint. Tony Van, of San Francisco, California, went to court to find out what the jury decided in his auto theft case. Here’s another hint, he didn’t take the streetcar to court. His transportation to court: a stolen Lexus SUV! Here’s how the police discovered this, per the Marin Independent Journal:

While Van was in the courthouse awaiting the verdict, two Civic Center employees on a break noticed some loose Yorkies around a Lexus in the parking lot. As they gathered up the dogs, several puppies were found unattended inside the Lexus on the sweltering day. Authorities suspect some of the dogs jumped out a window.

Sheriff’s deputies were summoned and discovered that the 2005 Lexus had been reported stolen. Then Van came out to the vehicle, with the keys in his possession, authorities said.

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thief%20coat%20elementary%20school%20sneaky.gif Oregon elementary school teacher Elizabeth Lucinda Logan picked the wrong way to supplement her income. She stole a student’s coat and sold it on eBay! As reported in the Hillsboro Argus, Judge Marco Hernandez called her behavior “bizarre.”

He said it didn’t make sense that someone of her intelligence would testify she immediately tried to get the coat back from the online auction site when she found out the coat might belong to a third-grade girl.

“As if it was lost in cyberspace somewhere,” Hernandez said. “A teacher with a master’s degree and 20 year’s experience doesn’t do that. She says ‘let’s go find the owner now and return it.’

“Your concern wasn’t to return the coat to the correct owner, but to protect your record on eBay.”

So a jury found her guilty. The sentence?

Judge Marco Hernandez ordered Elizabeth Lucinda Logan, 42, to perform 150 hours of community service over the next six months and serve 18 months of probation. She must also pay a little over $1,300 in court costs, fines and restitution. She is not to use online auctions during the probation period.

No eBay? That is cold. But wait! Logan’s lawyer may request a new trial based on jury misconduct. Really.

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Florida resident Charris Bowers is no Lorena Bobbitt, but that’s probably not much consolation to husband Delou Bowers, who has teeth marks on his … What went down (sorry) depends on who you believe. As reported by The Orlando Sentinel:

According to a sheriff’s office report, the Bowerses had been to a bar Friday night. Delou Bowers told authorities that when they got home, his wife began to perform oral sex on him but then began to bite his penis.

He tried to stop her, he told a deputy, but she kept at it. He then began to punch her in the head and pushed her to the floor, and she let go, according to the arrest report.

What did she say happened?

Charris Bowers gave the officer two versions of what happened. She first said she was sitting on the couch when her husband walked over and put his penis in her mouth, according to the report.

“She then bit it to get him away from her,” the report said.

She later said her husband walked over with his penis exposed, and she bit it.

Who do you believe? Regardless, she was arrested for misdemeanor battery after “… the deputy saw the injury, [and] photographed it …” Yow!

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This is eerily similar to a recent Juice post, though with a much less compelling rationale, and no bags of poop. How would you like to return to your home on a Sunday morning and find some dude passed out on your couch? In his underwear? Having raided your refrigerator? A couple in Pierson, Florida was not too pleased. So they woke the dude up, and he went right back to sleep! When a cop came – he still couldn’t get the dude up! Two more cops came and took him to jail, where he is being held on $5,000 bail.

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Sure, there are more than 1,338,000,000 people in China, but we’re still talking about a boatload of corruption. As reported by crienglish.com:

Chinese disciplinary organs have punished 881,000 officials for misconduct from July 2003 to December 2008, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said on Wednesday.

I’m wondering how many people they needed to investigate the “852,000 cases of corruption, commercial bribes, and other discipline or law-breaking activities” that were involved. Were crimes committed?

… 24,718 of them had been transferred to judicial organs to wait for criminal charges …

No doubt these folks will be thinking about Zheng Xiaoyu. …

… former food and drug administration head Zheng Xiaoyu … Zheng was executed in 2007 for taking 6.49 million yuan (about 889,000 U.S. dollars) in bribes, and for dereliction of duty.

So he wasn’t a public official, but can you imagine what would happen to a Chinese Madoff? Here’s the story.

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The police dog did a good job subduing the suspect, biting him on the arms and legs. But then he forgot who he was working for. Per The Daily Telegraph:

Police and the dog squad were called to a home on The Causeway just before 2.30am after receiving reports of a man hiding in a garage.

During a struggle, one of the police dogs set upon the man and bit him on the arms and legs.

Good boy! Good …

A female officer was bitten on the thigh, while the male officer suffered a leg bite and calf dash.

Yow! Here’s The Daily Telegraph article.

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Check out the new $20 coin! What do you mean there is no new $20 coin? But that guy said … Per The Patriot News:

State police are looking for a man who passed a fake $20 coin at an ice cream parlor in Williams Township, Dauphin County. Police said the man, described as white, short and stocky, with black curly hair, used the coin Friday evening to purchase ice cream at Willow Tree Ice Cream. After the suspect convinced the owner of the shop the coin was a new issue that was just entering circulation, the owner gave the man change.

Police said the man left in a teal Dodge Caravan registered to Mervin M. Horst of Newmanstown, Pa. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Horst is asked to contact state police at Lykens at 717-362-8700.

Damn you Mervin! (or “Damn you man driving Mervin’s car!”) The store owner would have been thrilled had he received the coin pictured above, which is a 1933 GOLD $20 coin (a double eagle), and was last minted in 1933.