Some people smoke weed. Some people believe god tells them to do things. Therefore, some people who smoke weed believe god tells them to do things. No? Of course not. You need not have taken formal logic to know that is complete BS. Nevertheless, there was a young man in West Hartford, who, after smoking weed said he was doing god’s work… As reported by The Hartford Courant:
Police said a Middle Road resident arrived home Sunday and noticed the front door had been kicked in. [Levon T.]Sarkisyan [27], who identified himself as Leon Sark, then walked out the front door and told the homeowner “a light from above told him to do this,” said Farmington police Sgt. Stephen Egan.
Sarkisyan then told the homeowner he’d broken into the house because “God wants me to help the world,” Egan said. He then told the homeowner, “I mean you no harm.”
While in the house, Sarkisyan used a fireplace poker to smash statues, including one of a Roman soldier, and a marble table, causing about $10,000 in damage, Egan said. Sarkisyan also rummaged through closets, took a shower, then dressed in the clothing of a deceased former resident, Egan said.
No harm to you, just your house and your stuff.
The homeowner told Sarkisyan to sit down, then fumbled with a phone trying to call 911, Egan said.
Sarkisyan said, “You see, God will not let you use the phone,” Egan said.
Er, um, okay.
As they waited for police, the homeowner asked Sarkisyan how he broke into the home.
Sakisyan then stood up, “flexed his arm and said, “you see, super human strength,” Egan said.
Officers arrived moments later and took him into custody without incident.
Why, Sark, why?
Later, Sarkisyan told officers he’d smoked “a strange strand of herb” that caused him to do what he did, Egan said.
The charges?
… third-degree burglary and first-degree criminal mischief …
Sark clearly has problems, but lack of an education is not one of them. He graduated from UConn. Click here for the source, which includes one of the wackiest mug shots The Juice has seen in a while.