You can never be sure how someone is going to handle being insulted. No doubt this gent’s insulting days are over. As reported in The Daily Herald (Everett, Washington), according to court papers:
[Dallas Amber] Smith [18] and others were gathered at her ex-boyfriend’s home south of Monroe, watching a movie and drinking.
She boasted to party-goers that she was good at doing back flips and that she could do one off anything, court papers said.
A man, 19, challenged her to do a flip off the deck. Smith took off her shoes and attempted the maneuver. She couldn’t do it. That’s when the man laughed at her and told her that her feet smelled, [deputy prosecutor] Albert wrote.
Smith started to playfully wrestle with the man, rubbing her socks in his face. She started hitting him. After several seconds, he pushed her away, Albert wrote.
It’s a little weird, right? Check this out.
She grabbed her coat, picked up a steak knife and headed for the door. On the way, Smith walked up to the man and stabbed him in the back, court papers said.
The man and others called 911. A sheriff’s deputy found the man sitting on porch with the knife sticking out of his back, the blade buried a few inches in. His lung had collapsed from the stabbing.
Sticking out of his back! Someone is a wee bit oversensitive. The prognosis?
The man is expected to recover from the injury.
Whew. What did Ms. Smith have to say for her feet … er, herself?
Police arrested Smith at her parents’ home. She denied knowing about any stabbing and declined to speak with investigators.
Perhaps it’s a little late for the denial …
A witness told police that Smith came to his house that night and told him that she had hurt someone and she was in trouble. She told him someone had taunted her.
Doh! Here’s the source.