While many police officers in the United States will arrest you for flipping them off, the courts have consistently held that doing so is protected by the First Amendment. There is nothing offering one such protection in Dubai, as an Iranian woman found out. As reported by gulfnews.com:
A businesswoman was sentenced to a month in jail for flashing her middle finger at two policemen after dining out with friends in a five-star hotel.
They said she had been drinking too. Her defense?
N.I. pleaded innocent claiming that she bit her nails and scratched her finger due to a skin disease that she suffers from when the policemen “confusingly thought she flashed her finger in their face”.
… and
The defendant claimed that she didn’t drink liquor and alleged that the food she had at the hotel was cooked in liquor.
Okay. Your evidence?
Sources close to the case told Gulf News that N.I. provided the court with a medical report confirming that she suffers from psoriasis.
The report said she remains under treatment because she suffers itchiness in her hands and legs.
And the prosecution?
Records said the policemen spotted N.I. jumping into the backseat of a car and flashed her middle finger in their face.
The policemen chased the vehicle that carried the defendant for two kilometres then asked the driver to follow them to the nearest police station.
N.I. was sent for examination. She tested positive for liquor.
When asked about the findings, she said: “The liquor in my blood must have been there because the food at the hotel was cooked in liquor.”
What’s cooked is her goose. In addition to the 30 days in jail …
The court also fined N.I. Dh3,000 for consuming liquor and she will be deported after serving her term.
You’ll find the source here.