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Let Me Escape Once, Shame On You. Let Me Escape Six Times?


Maybe I got this from TV, but I thought that each time you escaped, you were sent to a higher security facility. Such was not the case with Texas resident Debra Ann Murphey. Over a 2-year period, she escaped 6 times, with the last escape occurring 33 years ago from the Georgia Rehabilitation Center for Women, not the Georgia Ultra-Supermax Penitentiary. Her crimes? A string of armed robberies. And it’s not like she was real good at it, either. Two of them resulted in a haul of … $54.00. In fairness to Ms. Murphey, adjusted for inflation, that would be about $259.00 today.

As usual, neighbors described her as a quiet, law-abiding lady. (That must have been before she went back into the house and got a shotgun when the police came to get her.) As a fugitive, Ms. Murphey became a nurse, got married, and raised two kids. So how did she feel after her arrest? “Relieved,” according to the police. She is awaiting extradition to Georgia.

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