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It’s nice to see a couple in love, right? Yes, and no. In this case, definitely “no.” As reported by wkmg (

Orlando police said Jeremie Calo, 32, and his date were “having sex on a table in view of minor children” on the patio of Paddy Murphy’s restaurant.


“That’s ridiculous that they would do that out in public and also in front of kids,” said Ashley Webster. Several witnesses told Local 6 that parents with children were eating on the patio as the couple started making out, then things went further.

The kids!

“That’s totally unacceptable and insane. I’m shocked. I can’t believe that,” said Jackie Kelvington as she watched her daughter at gymnastics across the street. “I would absolutely yank my kids, get them away from that situation and hope that they didn’t see too much.”


The manager at Paddy Murphy’s, Tom Murphy, said as soon as he realized what was going on he put a stop to it. He told the couple, “Compose yourself, pay your tab or I’ll call the police,” according to the report.

Said Mr. Calo:

“She can’t get up at this time” because his date was still on top of him.

Funny. Not smart or cool. But pretty funny.

Murphy called police, and the couple then stopped what they were doing.

When police arrived, they arrested Calo for fighting with the manager and refusing to pay the $101 bill.

Wait, not fornicating in public, or some such charge?

Neither Calo nor his date were arrested for any of the sex allegations because none of the parents who saw the sex acts wanted to write statements for police.

Here’s the source.

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He crashed his Hummer into their – um, his – house! At about 2:30 a.m.! As reported by delawareonline:

According to New Castle County police, the tenants, a 50-year-old man and his 53-year-old wife, awoke around 2:30 a.m. to a loud crash at their home on Lute Court in the Harmony Woods development in Ogletown.

They looked outside to see “headlights shining into the bedroom” and quickly went to check on their 6-year-old son sleeping in a separate bedroom. They then heard what sounded like a person attempting to kick in the front door.

As the woman was on the phone, calling 911, Ott allegedly shouted, “Tell the police it’s the landlord that tore up the building.”

He then fled the scene, according to police, leaving a footprint on the front door.

Officers investigating the incident later went to Ott’s home on Old Baltimore Pike and found his Hummer, damaged, with a pine branch lodged in the bumper.

Doh! What is the landlord, Mr. Ott looking at?

…charges of attempted burglary, harassment, leaving the scene of an accident, reckless driving, failure to report an accident and endangering the welfare of the three occupants of the home.

Whew. The Juice is out of breath.

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At a boot sale, which is roughly the equivalent of a swap meet, an elderly couple must have been delighted with the lovely plant they purchased. Certainly it was treated quite well, as evidenced by its incredible growth. So why is this Juiceworthy? As reported by the BBC:

An elderly couple have unwittingly grown the “biggest cannabis plant” police officers had seen after buying what they thought was an innocuous shrub from a car boot sale.


The couple, who live in Bedford, had planted the drug in their garden.

Police officers were astounded when they spotted the plant. They have collected it and a spokesperson said it would be disposed of.

The couple will face no action from the police.


The officers took to their @bedfordlpt Twitter account to express their surprise at the find, saying: “Seized today. Elderly couple bought shrub at car boot sale, tended carefully – biggest cannabis plant we had seen!!”

Here’s the source. (See the tweeted photo above.)

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Of course you can, especially under circumstances like these, as reported by The Hamilton Spectator (Hamilton, Ontario):

Hamilton police responded to reports of an abandoned vehicle at 4:45 a.m. in the middle of the roadway at Ridge Road near 5th Road.

Abandoned? Not exactly.

They found the car with the headlights on, the vehicle in gear and keys in the ignition.

The driver was passed out in the front seat. She was arrested and refused a breathalyzer test.

The 24-year-old was charged with impaired and refusing to take a breathalyzer test. She was released on a promise to appear.

No bail? The Juice would not have been so trusting. Here’s the source.

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You’re the new boss. You want to let your employees know that you’re in charge. If you’re in Saudi Arabia, this is NOT the way to do it. As reported by Emirates 24/7:

The new manager at the mall in the western Red Sea port of Jeddah met the workers at his section and gave them job instructions.

“He then told them they must obey and implement his orders to the letter, saying that he is their god,” Kabar newspaper said.

Uh oh.

It said eight workers reported the new manager to the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.

“Commission members went to the mall and arrested the man, who will be referred to court for claiming he is a god…the eight workers will testify in court.”

So long, “boss.” Here’s the source.

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No way you love your cat as much as this woman. Or maybe you just love your husband more than she does. As reported by (Houston, Texas):

Deputies said [Audrey Deen] Miller [42] and her husband were arguing at their home in the 6700 block of Seaton Valley Drive around 7:30 a.m. when he threatened to shoot her cat with a pellet gun.

Big, big mistake.

Miller, an animal lover with several cats and dogs, pulled out a .40-caliber semiautomatic handgun and shot her husband in the stomach.

Hmm. She brought a real gun to a pellet gun fight. Guess who won?

“The husband was trying to do something to the cat and the wife was just trying to protect her cat,” said Assistant Chief Mark Herman, Precinct 4.

“Just trying to protect her cat”? By possibly killing her husband?

Miller was arrested at the scene [and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon] and her husband was transported to Ben Taub Hospital in stable condition. He returned home from the hospital later Tuesday afternoon, clad in a hospital gown and without keys to get inside.

In case you’re wondering about the cat (in addition to what life in that house is going to be like!):

The cat was not harmed.

Here’s the source, including Ms. Miller’s mug shot.

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In Readington Township, New Jersey, a 59-year-old man actually went to his 88-year-old mom’s senior center residence – apparently drunk – and got into it with her. So what did she do? She put the hurt on him! Per the Hunterdon County Democrat:

An incident between a mother and her son brought police to the Mirota Senior Residence on Van Horn Road on Friday. Police were called around 8:30 a.m.; they gave the following account of the incident.

An 88-year-old woman and her 59-year-old son got into an argument and then the mother assaulted the son, causing visible injuries to his face. The son appeared to be intoxicated and was being loud and disturbing other residents at the complex.

The son was arrested for harassment and disorderly conduct and was released after being detained for several hours.

The mother was also arrested and charged with simple assault. She was released after being served with a summons.

Both were offered various forms of assistance provided by the county, but they both declined.

Who needs assistance? Everything is totally under control …

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Certainly it’s natural to want to maximize one’s real estate investment. But we are still, for the most part, a nation of laws. San Francisco landlords Kip and Nicole Macy apparently didn’t care much about the law. They were trying to clear out a 6-unit building they bought in San Francisco. As reported in The San Francisco Chronicle:

When one of the tenants, Scott Morrow, successfully fought eviction, the couple allegedly told workers in September 2006 to cut the beams that supported his apartment’s floor. They also shut off Morrow’s electricity, cut his phone line and had workers saw a hole in his living room floor from below, prosecutors said. Morrow has since sued the Macys.

That’s not all. Two other tenants paid reduced rents because they thought the Macys were charging them more than they were legally allowed to under the city’s rent control laws. I think it goes without saying that the Macys did not take kindly to this.

Prosecutors said the Macys broke into the tenants’ apartment last June and stole $2,000 in cash, a Gucci watch and a cell phone. The tenants, Erik Hernandez and Jason Lopez, later filed a lawsuit accusing the Macys of first changing the locks on the apartment, then illegally entering their unit and dismantling some of their furniture.

When Hernandez came home and confronted Kip Macy as the landlord was ransacking his apartment, Macy kicked him in the chest, the suit says. Threatening notes then started appearing at the tenants’ door, and the water was shut off after the Macys stopped paying the bill, the suit says.

In October, Nicole Macy broke into the apartment and poured ammonia on clothes, bedding and home electronics, prosecutors said.

What became of the Macys? They were “arrested … and charged with felony stalking, felony residential burglary, conspiracy and other counts … They posted bail after their arrest.” To read more, click here.

Update! It looks like they fled the country! Read all about it here.

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Cars are not toys. Facebook is not a toy. These parents, hopefully, have learned these lessons. As reported by

The parents allowed their two-year-old boy to steer their moving car while sitting in his dad’s lap. They posted the video on Facebook, which caused someone to turn them in.

No legal action was taken, but experts say the parents violated child restraint laws and other traffic laws.