Articles Posted in Wacky

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Milwaukee Alderman Michael McGee has been arrested three times in the past 18 months, and has been involved in several other incidents.

He was arrested (that’s #1) for shouting an obscenity at Blockbuster employees. In the aftermath of a protest following the Blockbuster incident, he did not contest “a municipal charge of resisting and obstructing an officer.”

He was arrested again (that’s #2) after threatening to kill Kimley Rucker, a woman with whom he had an affair and who later gave birth to his child. Rucker’s attorney claimed McGee threatened her in open court, saying “if you drive by my house, I’m going to kill your ass.”

He was investigated for perjury, when, under oath, he denied any “romantic” relationship with Rucker. (remember her!)

Currently, he is under arrest (that’s #3) and being investigated on charges of public corruption. According to sources, the arrest was made earlier than planned because investigators suspected the potential for violence.

And that’s not all. McGee held drivers licenses in two names: not only “Michael McGee,” but also “Michael I. Jackson,” a name which he alleged to be his birth name when he petitioned the state to legally change it. He withdrew the petition, but not before the Department of Transportation discovered that McGee had driver’s licenses in both names! And his “Jackson” license was revoked in 2000. In June 2006, the state also revoked his “McGee” license!
politician.jpgDuring the recall campaign, an opponent’s campaign manager got a restraining order against McGee because the man (Todd) feared for his life. During a radio broadcast, McGee said that Todd “should be ‘hung’ for his ‘betrayal of the community.'”
Okay, so would you vote for this man in the recall campaign? Do you think he won?

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male%20female.jpg So, is she (1) Jaclyn Vivian Meridth, the 38-year-old former furniture-factory worker who paints her nails red and chaperones youth events for her church, or (2) Roberto Rebollera Neria — aka Jaclyn Meridth, aka Ilma Martinez — a document forger and suspected illegal immigrant, possibly from Mexico?

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“Be creative,” the creative writing teacher instructed her students. “There will be no judgment and no censorship.” But when 18-year-old Allen Lee—a student with a 4.2 grade-point average who never got in trouble at school—submitted his essay, he ended up being charged with two misdemeanor counts of disorderly conduct.

Here’s an excerpt from the essay:

Blood, sex and booze. Drugs, drugs, drugs are fun. Stab, stab, stab, stab, stab, s..t…a…b…puke. So I had this dream last night where I went into a building, pulled out two P90s and started shooting everyone, then had sex with the dead bodies. Well, not really, but it would be funny if I did.

Exquisite prose? No, but as Lee’s lawyer observed, “There was never any warning from the teacher that if she determined the paper to be offensive, she would then pass it along to the authorities.” He denounced the charges as a product of paranoia born from the Virginia Tech massacre. Writing-Rules-You-ll-Ever-Need-Posters.jpg
The pending criminal charges would not only prevent Lee from returning to school, but also jeopardize—if not ruin—his chances of joining the Marines Corps. Lee had already completed military entrance exams, which included a psychiatric evaluation. After being criminally charged, however, he was discharged from his contract with the Marine Corps, and a Marine Corps Recruiting Station spokesman says Lee “is no longer an applicant to become a Marine.”
Given the military’s emphasis on the chain of command and following orders, it is surprising that the Marines didn’t want Lee! Wasn’t he simply following his teacher’s instructions?

So what happened?


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green%20hair%202.jpgOkay, so I hate dress codes. I especially hate vague dress codes. How are students supposed to know if they are complying with “etc?” The folks who drafted the new dress code for Neosho High School (in Missouri) might want to take another look at this thang. Here are a few “specific examples of articles that are inappropriate for all students:”

Clothing and/or appearance that disrupts the educational process or poses a threat to the safety of others (chains, sharp objects, excessive jewelry, cut gloves, etc.

Unnatural hair color (fuchsia, green, blue etc.) is not acceptable.

Hey school board, you call these “specific?” And how the hell is one supposed to know when jewelry is “excessive?” I guess when the principal says so. Oh, and it’s okay to change your hair color, as long as you change it to something “natural,” and not to “etc.” mannequin.jpg

EDUCATE, PEOPLE. School board, do you honestly think this is going to change anything? Address the underlying problem, not the appearance!!! Aaaargh.

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Yes indeed. Washington [state] resident Roy “Billy” Day did not appreciate being dumped. So he camped out (literally) in his ex-girlfriend’s attic. (He had a sleeping bag and a fan up there!) He then cut a hole in the ceiling, jumped down and assaulted his ex and her daughter. He hit his ex more than 20 times.And he punched her daughter too. Mr. Day is being held on $500,00 bail. Click here to read the entire story.

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Ducati800.jpg Dude really wanted the motorcycle, so he came equipped – with a blow torch, gas cannisters, a screwdriver and a claw hammer. Problem was, he was a little bit to loud. The homeowner’s 4-year-old son heard some noise, and woke his dad. So dad chased him down the street, then realized he was buck naked. By then the would-be thief was well on his way – without his tools or the motorcycle, though he had managed to melt the lock on the motorcycle.

Neighbors had seen a man with a dark jacket and gloves (see police artist sketch below) dragging a wheelie bin through the neighborhood, looking around to see if he was being watched. Hmmmmmm. If you have any information on this crime, call the South Wales Police at 029 2022 2111 (collect!). (You can read the entire story here.)

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It all started with a $25 ticket for walking a dog without a leash. As reported in The Washington Post, per Washington, DC resident Peter McMahon:

When I got to the station on April 12 at 6:45 a.m., I was promptly arrested. Throughout the day I was put in five cells, handcuffed three times, fingerprinted twice, made to wear leg shackles and photographed before being released at about 5 p.m.

leg%20irons.jpgHandcuffs?! Leg shackles?! You’ve got to click here and read the whole story to believe it (and even then, it’s hard to believe).

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In this post-9/11 world, we ask a lot of airport security personnel – they are, after all, our first line of defense against airborne terrorist attacks. We expect them to be vigilant watchdogs, keeping their eyes and ears open for signs of anything unusual in our nation’s airports.

But this is ridiculous.

Ms. Renee Koutsouradis had boarded her flight from Las Vegas to Tampa, and was waiting for the plane to leave the gate, when she was summoned to the front by flight attendants. She was escorted off the plane and down onto the tarmac, where she was informed that “something was vibrating” in her bag (guess what it was). The court explains what happened next:

On the tarmac, in the presence of three Delta male employees, and apparently in view of some of the other passengers still seated on the plane, the gate agent asked Koutsouradis to open her bag and take the batteries out of the vibrator. Koutsouradis alleges that, at this time, one of the Delta male employees . . . made sexually explicit statements toward her, causing the other men to laugh. She claims [he] licked his lips and said “What do [you] need that for?”, “Doesn’t your husband satisfy you?”, and “Come on Baby, let me satisfy you.”

Surprisingly, this smooth-talking luggage-handling lothario failed to win the heart of our heroine. In fact, she found his comments inappropriate and offensive. And so – this is a legal blog, after all – she sued the airline for infliction of emotional distress (among other things), claiming that its boorish bagman had caused her to suffer “panic attacks and post-traumatic stress disorder.”
How do you think she did at trial? (Click here to find out.)

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Missouri resident Thor Davis was no stranger to the state troopers. When Davis was pulled over

… [Trooper] Hines recognized [him], as he had previously stopped Davis for motor vehicle license violations. Hines … asked to see his driver’s license. Davis told Hines that he did not have a license, and did not need one because, “he was an ambassador of God, and had immunity.” At trial, Davis said, “I freely admit that I do not have a driver’s license. I will tell the Court that I do not intend to get a driver’s license because I feel that it is against my religious beliefs.” Davis declared he was merely “traveling in a conveyance” rather than “driving a motor vehicle.” When asked by the judge whether he was claiming that he was not “turning the wheel, and operating the brake pedal, and operating the accelerator,” Davis replied, “No, I’m not.” (emphasis added).

Oh, and Davis also contended that

his religious beliefs, as expressed in the Bible in Leviticus 18:3-5, Exodus 22:32-33, 34:10-17, and Deuteronomy 7:2, prohibit him from making any covenant or contract with any other god but God. He reasons that the state of Missouri is a god, and that an application for an operator’s license is a contract, which he is prohibited from making, because such act would amount to the crime of treason against his government and his King (God) (emphasis added).

What do you think the trial judge decided?

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