Regular readers know that the Juice is not fond of folks who try to weasel out of jury duty. But this is one of the more idiotic methods I’ve seen employed (but did it work?). As reported by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:
Erik Slye, a Belgrade auto painter in his mid-30s, was summoned to appear for jury duty on Jan. 26 by District Judge John Brown’s court. Slye, who had previously told the court that he could not take time off from work to serve on a jury, responded with a written tirade of insults and profanities that landed him in front of the judge last week. His wife now says she wrote the affidavit, even though her husband signed it.
So what did it say? [From The Smoking Gun]
Apparently you morons didn’t understand me the first time. I CANNOT take time off from work. I’m not putting my familys well being at stake to participate in this crap. I don’t believe in our “justice” system and I don’t want to have a goddam thing to do with it. Jury duty is a complete waste of time. I would rather count the wrinkles on my dogs balls than sit on a jury . Get it through your thick skulls. Leave me the F__k alone.
You sent this to the court? What the hell were you thinking? And what did the Court have to say?
… the note landed Erik Slye in front of Judge Brown. On April 21, Brown had Slye read the entire note aloud in court.
Um, er, oh. Did I say that?
“Mr. Slye, do you think I’m a moron?” Brown asked after he was finished.
Erik Slye said no, and apologized to Brown and the clerks of the court.
The result?
[Judge] Brown excused Erik Slye with a warning.
Slye’s wife apparently learned nothing from the ordeal.
Asked if she had any advice for others trying to get out of jury duty, she offered only this: “Freedom of speech doesn’t apply to jury affidavits.”
You can read a few more jury weasel posts here and here.