Clearly this guy does not live by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them to unto you. There’s no way he would want anyone to treat him the way he treated this poor old man. As reported by The Gainesville Sun:
The maintenance man at a Gainesville apartment complex has been arrested after police allege he found a tenant either dead or dying and, before calling 911, used the man’s ATM card to withdraw more than $600.
So the man may have died while this dude was out using his ATM card. It doesn’t get a whole lot colder than that.
Police did not learn of the theft until three weeks after the man’s death on July 1, when the tenant’s brother called to say that on the day of his brother’s death, ATM charges were posted against his Bank of America account minutes before paramedics arrived.
Clarence Davis, 52, of 106 NE Rally Ave. in Micanopy, called authorities on July 1 to report a death at the University Commons apartment complex on Southwest Archer Road, the Gainesville Police Department reported. Shortly after police arrived, emergency medical personnel pronounced J.W. White dead of an undisclosed medical condition, police said.
And just in case you’re not convinced by this damning circumstantial evidence …
Video footage from the ATM showed Davis conducting a balance inquiry and making two withdrawals from the victim’s account for a total of $611.90 including transaction fees, police reported.
Yes, cold and clueless.
Only after returning from the ATM did Davis call 911 to report White as possibly dead and request medical assistance, police said.
Yup. That was one well thought out and well executed plan. As for Mr. Davis’s defense …
During an interview with police investigators Monday, Davis said he had permission to remove the money from White’s account to pay his rent and other bills, police reported. Davis then admitted to keeping the victim’s money rather than using it to pay rent, saying he used the money to restore the apartment so it could be re-rented, officers said.
Good luck with that one. You can read more, and see the mug shot, here.