Regular readers know the Juice is not a fan of dress codes. Check this out, from Georgia’s Thomson-McDuffie Junior High School website:
In order to foster a climate conducive to [blah, blah, blah] … the following guidelines have been developed with input from councils, faculty, administration, and students.
… sunglasses are not to be worn on campus. … No grills are to be worn.
No shades or grills? That’s cold.
Proper and acceptable undergarments must be worn and must not be visible to others. Cleavage must not show.
How will the school know if the undergarments are “proper and acceptable” if you can’t see them! Brilliant!
Shoes or sandals must be worn. … and athletic sandals are not allowed at school.
No “athletic sandals?” Say what?
Shirts or blouses must have sleeves; shirts and blouses must be tucked in. … Belt line must be visible at all times. Any shirts or blouses that cannot be tucked in may not be worn.
NFW. You have to tuck your shirts and blouses in! Please, transfer me!
Shorts/pants must be long enough to touch the top of the kneecap. Shorts/pants must be fitted at the waist and not be baggy or frayed at the bottom.
Really? The kneecap?
All students must wear identification badges properly at all times.
Is it me, or is this starting to sound like a detention facility?
Personal grooming should be done at home, not at school.
I can’t brush or comb my hair?
The principal of the school has a right to prohibit any item of clothing he deems to be inappropriate.
Wow. That is just laughably unenforceable.
Now that you know the crimes, the times …
Penalty for failure to comply with dress code: First offense – correction (if possible) or ISS and 3 hours detention. Second offense – correction (if possible) and one (1) day of Saturday School. Third offense – three (3) days ISS and required parent conference. A Fourth offense is considered Defiance and will result in three (3) days suspension minimum.
Here’s the school’s website.