Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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You have to admit, it’s not the most illogical place to hide some sausage… It would appear, though, that this gent may have overdone it. Per The Cairns Post:

A man hit a snag with police after he stuffed his pants with sausages and a meat pack in an alleged theft at an Innisfail supermarket.

It is the region’s second case of shop-stealing involving sausages stashed in trousers in recent months. (You can read about the first one here.)

Police officers were called to the store after the 50-year-old was seen allegedly leaving without paying for the stash on Wednesday.

Sorry to disappoint the bargain hunters out there, but …

It is understood the meat has been disposed of.

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The Juice has learned that William Congreve is the source of this oft-quoted passage:

Heav’n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn’d,

Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn’d.

Suffice it to say that Mr. Congreve had not met a man such as this fellow:

An inebriated man bit off his ex-girlfriend’s ear at a restaurant in Chifeng, the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, last week.

The man has been arrested.

Days after the woman broke up with him, the man invited her for dinner at a restaurant and begged her to return to him.

When she refused, he pounced on her and bit off one of her ears.

The ear was only found the next morning, which was too late for doctors to fix it back.

An ear for an ear? This story was reported by the North News (China).

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“Shock” can mask a lot of things, but this? Per The Sun …

A mugging victim had a six inch knife plunged deep into her back — and she didn’t even feel it.

Skeptical? Check out the picture here.

Incredibly the 22-year-old, who was knifed by a mugger on her way home from work, failed to notice the appalling injury and managed to calmly stroll to safety.

The office worker had grappled with her attacker when he snatched her handbag as she walked to her parents’ house in the Russian capital Moscow.

But she was so shocked by the ordeal she didn’t know that the thug had buried a kitchen knife in her neck just fractions of an inch from her spinal cord.

When she got home her horrified parents rushed her to hospital where surgeons managed to remove the blade without damaging Julia’s spine.


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In many households, there is a debate over piercings of various body parts. What body part? How many piercings? At what age? But what about this: piercing a kitten’s ears! That’s what a Luzerne County, Pennsylvania woman has been charged with, as reported by WNEP-TV. In fact, the jury is deliberating as this is being written.

Investigators slapped three counts of animal cruelty on [Holly Crawford] in December, 2008 after SPCA officials took several kittens and a cat from Crawford’s home in the Sweet Valley area.

Officials accused Crawford of piercing the kittens ears and trying to sell them on the internet as “Goth kittens.”

So uncool. But is it a crime?

At the heart of the argument is whether or not Crawford’s actions fit the mold for animal cruelty.

During the trial a forensic veterinarian testified for the prosecution that Crawford maimed, disfigured and tortured the kittens, a legal statute for animal cruelty.

Said the defense …

“Parents take their kids to get pierced at a young age. That’s not a crime! If you say it’s wrong to pierce a cat’s ears. Then you’re holding the cat to a higher standard then children.”

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Crime must be down in Strathclyde (Scotland). Why? Because police there apparently have nothing better to do than to give a man a ticket for blowing his nose! And his car was stopped! As reported by Sky News:

Michael Mancini had stopped his van in traffic and wiped his nose with a handkerchief.

When he moved off, he was pulled over by police who told him he had not been in control of his vehicle.

Mr Mancini, from Ayrshire, was handed a £60 fixed penalty and given three points on his driving licence.

He told Sky News: “I thought they were joking and that it was a wind-up.”

If it is a joke, kudos to the police for letting it play out for so long …

“I was stopped in traffic and had the handbrake on and thought to myself, ‘Ive just got time to blow my nose.’

“Then police pulled me over and I was booked. I genuinely thought they were joking, that it was a wind-up.”

The incident occurred in October, but Mr Mancini has refused to pay the penalty.

Well done, sir!

His solicitor wrote to prosecutors earlier this month explaining the offence could not have occurred because Mr Mancini’s handbrake was on.

But prosecutors replied the next day warning that if the fine wasn’t paid, the case would be taken to court.

Mr Mancini added: “I intend taking this all the way to court. I still don’t believe it actually happened.”

A Strathclyde Police spokesman said: “A 39-year-old man is the subject of a report to the procurator fiscal in connection with an alleged traffic offence on October 26.”

Now that would be a fun trial to watch! Here’s the source.

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Public urination must occur almost as frequently as … um … public intoxication? Anyway, you probably wouldn’t be reading this if the gentleman in question, Mr. Nathan Strawn, had not allegedly urinated on the Nativity scene in a public square in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania! The Juice is not a criminal lawyer, but how about this defense:

Public? I thought it was some old, abandoned barn. Damn you pea-sized bladder!

Back to the crime scene. As reported by The Times Leader:

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Now The Juice can certainly imagine parishioners thwarting a robbery attempt during a church service. But a church office is a pretty soft target. Nevertheless, as reported by The Charlotte Observer:

A northeast Charlotte church became a crime scene Wednesday evening, after a man tried to rob the place, police say.

It happened about 8 p.m. at the Written Epistles Church of Jesus Christ, in the 2900 block of Derita Road. That is off Gibbon Road, near the intersection of West Sugar Creek and Mallard Creek roads.

Police say a man armed with a shotgun entered the church office and demanded money.

But the man fled without taking anything, according to police. No arrests have been made, and there were no injuries.

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I’m not sure how The Juice missed this one (perhaps he was busy with his daytime gig), because it’s not often that an attorney gets busted for doing cocaine, in the courthouse, in the midst of a trial. As reported by the The Wininona Post (Minnesota):

The assault trial for accused murderer Jack Nissalke came to an abrupt and unexpected end Thursday when his Twin Cities-based attorney was arrested for alleged possession of 5 grams of cocaine.

Police believe that the attorney, Charles Alan Ramsay, 41, of New Brighton, Minn., was using the cocaine inside a conference room at the courthouse during breaks in the jury trial. Investigator Jay Rasmussen noticed Ramsay behaving strangely outside the courthouse bathrooms, said Police Chief Frank Pomeroy. He said that Ramsay was touching his face as if he’d just ingested something through his nose.

Then, evidence technician Angela Evans went into a conference room that Ramsay had been using and noticed trace amounts of a white powder on the table. That powder field-tested positive for a controlled substance, which police used as probable cause to arrest and search Ramsay’s belongings.

You can read more (a lot) here. And if you want to read about what happened to Mr. Nissalke (guilty), click here.

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I would imagine it does not get more embarrassing than this. As reported by

A pensioner was caught engaged in a sex act with a horse when the animal’s owner drove past and could not believe what he was seeing.

Retired farm worker David Chamberlin was watched as he led the horse towards bushes at the side of a field in Billingham, near Stockton.

The owner pulled over his car and approached, and saw the animal’s head being pulled down towards the 71-year-old’s groin, a court was told.

Shocked and disgusted, he smacked Chamberlin with a stick, which caused the horse to run off, dragging the grey-haired pervert across the field with it.

Noel Brockbank, prosecuting, told Teesside Magistrates’ Court yesterday that the man saw Chamberlin’s flies were undone, and called the police.

After being arrested, and confessing, it emerged that Chamberlin has a lengthy history of sexual deviance going back four decades.

Egad. To read the rest of the story (a fair amount) click here.

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Hey, it’s not so easy to start a cult. Just ask Tennessee resident Jonathan “The Impaler” Sharkey. As reported by News Channel 9:

He called himself “The Impaler”. He claimed to be a vampire. Now, Jonathan Sharkey can call himself an inmate.

Sharkey wanted to start up a commune in rural Grundy County. Now, Sharkey is headed to jail after pleading guilty to threatening to torture and kill a judge in Indianapolis. Sharkey who calls himself “the Impaler” will spend more than two years in jail for making those threats. Prosecutors say Sharkey threatened to beat, torture, impale and decapitate Judge David Certo, who is presiding over another case involving Sharkey. Last October, Sharkey spent time in a Grundy County jail on outstanding warrants from Minnesota.

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