Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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Ebay is proof that there is a market for virtually everything. It is an absolute certainty, though, that you won’t see these being peddled on eBay. As reported by the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation:

Two men who were arrested for engaging in the bizarre trade in genitalia of corpses were Tuesday arraigned in court and charged with harming a dead body.

37 year-old Eliud Mwangi and Paul Kariuki aged 27, were arraigned at Kibera Law courts and charged with harming a dead body of a man by severing its genitals.

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Seriously, you won’t believe what this man claims he found in his cereal. Warning: DO NOT READ THIS WITHIN ONE HOUR OF EATING. As reported by The Telegraph (Macon, Georgia):

An Upson County man and his wife have filed a federal suit against a grocery store chain and cereal manufacturer, contending that the man found a used tampon in a bowl of cereal.

If you didn’t just about hurl, what is wrong with you?

In the complaint, Thomas and Lynn Roddenberry said they bought a box of Chocolate Chip Crunch cereal from the Save-A-Lot store at 1021 N. U.S. 19 in Thomaston on Oct. 23, 2008.

The following day, Thomas Roddenberry opened the cereal box and poured cereal and milk into a bowl. After taking a bite, Roddenberry said he discovered the tampon in his bowl, according to the suit, filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Macon.

Roddenberry said he spit out the milk and cereal and became nauseated almost immediately. He went to an emergency room for treatment, according to the complaint.

The seal for the cereal box and the plastic bag containing the cereal showed no signs of having been broken by anyone previously.

Roddenberry sustained physical injuries “from the adulterated food” as well as emotional worry, according to the lawsuit.

The Roddenberrys are seeking unspecified general and special damages, as well as court costs.

Chon Tomlin, a Save-A-Lot spokesperson, declined to comment Friday, citing pending litigation.

A representative of Ralston Foods, the cereal manufacturer, also declined to comment in a phone message.

Now that is one bizarre, gross case. Here’s the source.

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The Juice has a feeling this case would not make it to trial. As reported by Chongqing Business News:

“I was walking on the footpath under the building, and suddenly a heavy object hit my head. I remember nothing afterwards.” Tang Meirong, 53, of Chongqing city, was sent to hospital after being hit by the cat.

After regaining consciousness, Tang called police but the building manager told officers it would be very difficult to identify the cat owner.

Tang says she will sue all 200 residents whose flats face the street if none of them come forward to take responsibility.

Here’s the source.

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Confusing right? There is a pet involved, but it was the man who bit the police officers. As reported by Reuters:

Police arrested an 82-year-old man after he bit and kicked officers who had arrived to mediate in a dispute with a neighbor over a domestic pet.

The officers arrived at his house in the central Dutch village of Nijkerk to talk to the neighbor when the man was leaving on his bicycle, police said.

Asked to identify himself, the man got off his bike and started to kick and bite the officers, police said Thursday. The man was taken to the police station and was released after questioning.

Here’s the source.

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Be honest. You’ve smacked or kicked a machine – a parking meter, a vending machine, a copier … But this guy took it to another level. Per The Salt Lake Tribune:

A Salt Lake City mortgage company employee allegedly got drunk, opened fired on his firm’s computer server with a .45-caliber automatic, and then told police someone had stolen his gun and caused the damage.

Maybe he didn’t do it?

Salt Lake County prosecutors say Campbell called police late on Aug. 12, claiming a man had stolen his gun and fired into the $100,000 computer server owned by RANLife Home Loans, located at 268 W. 400 South.

A probable cause statement alleges that Campbell told police he had been “mugged, assaulted with his own firearm and drugged” by a mystery assailant.

So don’t be so quick to judge. Wait, something is coming in over the wire …

… acquaintances of Campbell reportedly told police he had earlier been drunk, was armed and had threatened to shoot the computer and maybe himself.

Doh! Of note: “acquaintances” not “friends.” The charges?

… criminal mischief, a second-degree felony; carrying a dangerous weapon while under the influence and providing false information to police, both Class B misdemeanors; and public intoxication, a Class C misdemeanor.

No word on whether the server will make it …

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There are lots of ways to show your family some love. You might, say, try to visit your grandson in jail and bring Mary Jane. No doubt he would have appreciated it. We’ll never know. As reported in The Dayton Daily News:

Richard Heritz [age 85!], of West Chester Twp., stepped onto the grounds of the Warren Correction Institution Aug. 13 to visit his grandson. Gregory Heritz had been incarcerated at the prison for two years, and had eight more to come from a burglary conviction out of Butler County, according to prison records.

Before Heritz saw his grandson, he was pulled aside by state troopers, who were acting on a tip they had received. A few hours later, Heritz was behind bars as well, accused of attempting to smuggle marijuana onto prison grounds.

Snitch? The crime?

He is charged with attempting to convey drugs on the grounds of a detention facility, a third-degree felony, and possessing criminal tools, a fifth-degree felony.

The time?

If convicted, he could face up to seven years in prison and a $15,000 fine.

You can read more (a fair amount, including mug shot) here.

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Yet another traffic stop for faulty equipment (no tail lights – doh!) that leads to … finding drugs in a body cavity? True. As reported in the Colorado Springs Police Blotter:

August 9, 2010

Summary: Officer Anthony Voltz and Tyler Walker conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle for no tail lights. The passenger Sherry Luster had four felony warrants and was taken into custody. Inside the vehicle officers also located multiple baggies and two scales consistent with narcotics. Ms. Luster was transported to CJC where it was discovered she had secreted 3.5 grams of crack cocaine in her vagina. Ms. Luster was charged with possession of a schedule II substance.

“Secreted”? Not bad for a dry police blotter.

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Some bank jobs are planned very well, at least in the movies. This was no movie-type heist. Per a report by

A North Braddock man is behind bars after police said he robbed a Swissvale bank wearing a blond wig, fake breasts and clown pants.

Swissvale police Chief Greg Geppert said Dennis Hawkins, 48, was sitting in a parked car covered in dye from an exploding packet when he was arrested Saturday.

The most amazing thing about this is that there is still at least one person WHO DOESN’T KNOW ABOUT THE EXPLODING DYE PACK! The suspect stealthily entered the bank… um, not exactly …

Geppert said Hawkins was spotted in a Giant Eagle grocery store before shoplifting a BB gun from K-Mart before entering the bank.

And then?

Authorities said Hawkins robbed the bank at gunpoint then dropped some of it after the dye pack blew up.

The bail? $230,000. Click here for the source, including video footage from the bank.

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Remember that these are just allegations. A man has been charged with having sex with his dog, “a Great Dane named Christie Brinkley” according to The Palm Beach Post.

Armand M. Pacher, 64, a former insurance executive, was booked into a Miami-Dade jail on a charge of animal cruelty, a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Pacher’s veterinarian in Gainesville reported him to police after an office worker called him to reschedule eye surgery for the 2 ½-year-old dog and Pacher talked about sex, according to an arrest warrant.

What’s the basis for the charge?

“She doesn’t seem to enjoy it as much when we have sex. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been as energetic lately and that’s why she’s not enjoying it,” he allegedly told the staffer when she asked about the dog’s health, the arrest warrant said.

Later, at the clinic, a veterinarian concluded that the spayed dog’s body had evidence of forced sexual activity, the warrant said. The doctor said the evidence could not have come from another dog, the warrant said.

The defense?

Pacher’s attorney, Jeffrey Weiner, said his client denies making the comment, and the allegation. He said the employee misunderstood a wisecrack.

“I’m quite familiar with the evidence that exists, and I’m really disappointed that Aventura police would make an arrest based on unsupported evidence and conclusions,” Weiner said. “I expect my client will be full vindicated.”

Here’s the source.

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How petty was the theft? Eight dollars! But it didn’t end there, per The [Tacoma] News Tribune.

Charging documents gave this account:

Troy J. Montgomery went into the store, picked up a pair of tweezers and put them in his pocket. A store employee confronted Montgomery and told him she was calling police.

It could’ve ended there … but it didn’t.

Montgomery took the tweezers from his pocket, threw them and headed for the door.

The store’s pharmacist stepped into Montgomery’s path to stop him and was shoved aside. The pharmacist fell to the floor and suffered a 3-inch cut to his arm.

Shoppers took Montgomery to the ground and detained him until Pierce County sheriff’s deputies arrived.

All that over some tweezers? Dude must have desperately needed them.

A deputy asked Montgomery whether he wanted to answer questions about what happened.

“Not really,” Montgomery replied. “Besides being stupid, I don’t even need the thing, about the dumbest thing I ever did.”

Let’s hope so. The charges?

… third-degree assault and third-degree theft.

“So, what are you in for?” Well …