Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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Just when you thought you’d heard them all… Check out this excuse for speeding, as reported in The Local:

A woman from southern Sweden has lost her bid to have a speeding fine overturned on the grounds that she was suffering from diarrhea at the time of the offence.

The 49-year-old woman from Trelleborg explained to the local district court that she was experiencing stomach problems when she was pulled over for driving 86 kilometres per hour in a 70 km/h zone.

Only 86 in a 70 zone? How bad could it have been? Said the court:

A situation can only be classed as an emergency if somebody’s life is in danger or if a driver hits the gas in an attempt to prevent a serious crime.

As the woman’s desire to get home to her toilet did not fit into either category, the court ordered her to pay the speeding fine.

Newman! (It’s a Seinfeld thing.)

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Does it really matter how many tolls we’re talking about? [2,362!] Or how much money is involved? [$558,000]. Apparently it does, per a court in China, which is now reconsidering its life sentence. As reported by

A court in central China’s Henan Province said Friday it would retry a farmer convicted of fraud and sentenced to life imprisonment for evading millions of yuan in expressway tolls.

The verdict may change because the defendant has indicated he had accomplices, said Liu Penghua, director of the political department of the Pingdingshan Municipal Intermediate People’s Court.

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No way this job can be that lucrative. From The Hamilton [Ontario] Spectator police blotter:

Jan. 2 – Four men collecting empty beer bottles get into a fight at 10 p.m. in what police say could have been a “turf war” over the lucrative job. A 40-year-old man is stabbed and taken to hospital. A Hamilton man, 25, is charged with aggravated assault.

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Yes, April S. Uwanawich (is The Juice the only one who reads this name and thinks “You Want A Witch?”), was born on 7/7/77. And she is a fortune-teller in Pennsylvania. Just one small problem – it’s against the law. As reported in The Pottstown Mercury:

A person is guilty of the charge if they “tell fortunes or predict future events … pretend to effect any purpose by spells, charms, necromancy or incantation, or advise the taking or administering of what are commonly called love powders or potions,” reads the statute.

Persons violate the law if they “stop bad luck,” “give good luck,” “win the affection of a person,” or “tell where to dig for treasure,” in return for “gain or lucre.”

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Although The Juice hasn’t been to Idaho, can it be that bad? And has this guy been following current events in Mexico? The drug war isn’t going too well. Regardless, the guy is just trying to get back there. As reported by The Idaho Mountain Express:

A man who police say wanted to be arrested and deported to Mexico allegedly stole a Jerome Police Department squad car Monday evening and drove it to Carey. The vehicle was recovered about an hour later by the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office.

Guadalupe Cruz-Vasquez, a 38-year-old Jerome resident, was arrested on a felony charge of grand theft and transported Monday night to the Jerome County Jail. The squad car, a Ford Crown Victoria that sustained a broken window, has been returned to the Jerome Police Department.

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Ah the joy of setting off a bottle rocket – unless it’s in … your pants! As reported by The Highline Times (Washington):

Police responded to a call for medical assistance in the 12000 block of Ambaum Blvd. A man accidentally set off a bottle rocket firework in his pants. He was transported to Harborview by ambulance to be treated for superficial burns on his groin, face and hand. No other injuries were reported.


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When this lady told her husband not to smoke, she meant it. And brother, did she drive the point home when he defied her. Per The Northwest Florida Daily News:

A woman was arrested Wednesday morning for beating her husband with a rock, claiming she didn’t want him to smoke a cigarette because of his poor health. “A woman can only take so much,” she told a deputy.

Even the non-lawyers among you must be familiar with the “I can only take so much” defense.

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finger%20severed%20cut%20off%20chopped.jpg No, not that. So 65-year old Pamela Fox thought 50-year-old neighbor Marija Andric harmed her flowers. Ms. Fox then allegedly “poured a caustic substance over the borders and lawn of [Ms.] Andric,” per The Telegraph. But that wasn’t the end of it.

Mrs Fox confronted Miss Andric, who opened her door to find Fox pointing an aerosol spray at her face.

Olive Lycourgou, prosecuting, at Reading Crown Court, Berks, said: “Miss Andric put her hands up to protect her face. Mrs Fox leaned in and bit off the end of Miss Andric’s little finger.” After the alleged assault she said Fox spat blood out of her mouth and ran away. Surgeons were unable to reattach the finger.

Ouchee! Here’s the source.