Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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At least according to Merriam-Webster, a “fetish” is defined as “an object of irrational reverence or obsessive devotion,” or “an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression.” Given this man’s behavior, do you think he has a toe fetish? Per The China Daily:

A woman in Dalian, Liaoning province, was attacked by a man who wanted to bite her toes.

The woman said the man, who looked about 25 years old and was well dressed, chased her as she was climbing the stairs of a residential building.

To the woman’s surprise, when the man caught her, he took off her right shoe and bit two of her toes. He fled after the woman kept hitting him with a plastic bottle.

Yikes. So many strange people in this world. And since China has just about 1/5 of the world’s population … expect to see more Juice stories from China.

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So maybe this tanning salon customer didn’t use those exact words, but just about. As reported by The Daily News (Washington State):

In a recently released report, police said Mary Marilyn Greene of Longview called Island Sun Tanning on July 8, asking if employees there had found “something bad.” Greene, who identified herself by name, had been a customer at the tanning salon earlier in the day, the report said.

Employees later found a bag containing a white, crystal-like substance on the floor of the salon’s lobby. At the request of police, an employee called Greene, who said she was on her way over to pick up the drugs.

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If you didn’t get in any trouble as a kid, either you’re very clever, or your childhood was incomplete. But this kid? At only 12, he’s had enough trouble to last him for a long, long time. As reported by

In Santa Fe, New Mexico, a 12-year-old boy high on marijuana led police on a chase and eventually rolled his car — and it’s not his first run-in with the law.

He was wearing a monitoring bracelet! Ever heard of a 12-year-old wearing a monitoring bracelet? Here’s how they got the ride:

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Rarely does a marriage that ends end well. This case from China (Jingzhou city, Hubei province) involves a marriage that ended very badly. As reported by Chutian Golden Newspaper, via China Daily:

The 44-year-old husband, surnamed Pei, lost his ability to work six years ago because of a brain disease and his wife became the family’s sole breadwinner, taking care of her parents-in-law and two sons.

However, she recently fell in love with another man and proposed a divorce to Pei, who refused.

The woman then strangled her husband with shoelaces, and cut his throat with a kitchen knife.


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Needless to say, you won’t get flush working at the Rockaway, New Jersey Dunkin Donuts, even on the night shift, unless … As reported at

Melissa Redmond, 29, of Mine Hill, was arrested after a six week investigation known as “extra sugar” that began when police got a tip that people could go to the Dunkin Donuts on Route 46 and arrange a liason with Redmond.

First reaction: Seriously, when resources are stretched so thin everywhere, the police spent SIX WEEKS on this? OMFG! Second reaction: “extra sugar”? Brilliant! But back to the intrigue…

“I had gotten an anonymous tip,” Detective Sgt. Kyle Schwarzmann, who led the investigation. “She was a night time employee (working 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.), supposedly a very good one.’’

Schwarzmann began gathering information and doing surveillance at the scene. He noticed on multiple evenings that she would go out to cars to see customers and would spend 10 or 15 minutes there, he said.

“Sometimes I ‘d even see money changing hands,’’ Schwarzmann said, adding that sometimes the cars would stay in the parking lot and other times they would drive to another nearby location.

So, with all of this valuable intel in hand …

An undercover operation was developed wth the assistance of Officer Robert Koehler and Officer Scott Haigh acting as the undercover “John.”


“He went in plain clothes through the drive thru window,’’ Schwarzmann said. “He spoke to her and she said if he wanted a good time to call her and she gave him her phone number.”

Haigh parked in the parking lot and Redmond allegedly came out, approached him and gave him a specific price list for her services.

Haigh returned on another occasion and inquired about her services, was offered a new, and lower, price so he said he needed to go to a bank machine but would return with the money.

When Haigh returned, they drove to the back of the building and the arrest was made. Redmond was then processed, served her complaint and released.

Is it just The Juice (it often is, and he’s fine with that), or does anyone else (other than Ms. Redmond and her “customers”) think this was (and is) a colossal waste of time? Here’s the source.

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If you need a reminder of just how different cultures (and their customs and laws) can be, this ought to do it. As reported by The Times of India:

The incident took place in the tribal dominated Masinda village in Debagarh’s Barkote police station area. It houses more than 40 tribal families. Surrounded by thick forests, the village is cut off from main land because of poor communication. The victim, identified as Mani Hanaga (50) became the lone bread earner of the family after her husband Sibio Hanaga became invalid last year.

“She had sown paddy seeds in her filed last month. But in tribal community, sowing seeds is considered a sin for women. It is against their custom. So they warned her and imposed a fine on her as they felt her act could displease the village deity. They asked her to pay Rs.10,000 along with a goat and 10 chickens to appease the village deity,” a social activist from Barkote Surendra Guru said on Thursday.

A deity who is appeased by cash?

Guru, who visited the village after the incident, informed that the village body outcast her whole family after she refused to obey their direction. “When women take part in farming everywhere, why should I be stopped from sowing the seeds?”, she asked.

Meanwhile, the district collector has taken the matter seriously. He has asked officials to look into the matter and submit a report for further action. “The incident has come to my notice and I have asked the local BDO to prepare a report on the issue. I will take action once I receive the report,” Deogarh collector B B Jena said on Thursday.

You go Mr. Jena. Here’s the source.

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No matter how desperate you are, you just don’t steal from your Granny. Don’t tell that to this fella in New York. As reported by

St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputies charged Codey A. Royce, 21, 38 Ames Rd., Edwards, with fourth-degree criminal mischief and petit larceny for allegedly stealing his grandmother’s safe and throwing it into the Oswegatchie River when he could not open it.

The safe belonged to Elizabeth Bishop, 28 Ames Rd., Oswegatchie. [aka “Granny”].

He was issued an appearance ticket for Edwards Town Court at a later date.

Hmm. Option 1: return the safe to Granny and still have no loot, but avoid Johnny Law (most likely). Option 2: throw the safe in the river, still have no loot, and get busted? And make your Granny retrieve her safe from the bottom of the river! Hmm. Tough choice right? Here’s the source

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Question: How petty was it? Answer: a sticky bun! As reported by WPTV:

A Florida man was arrested by police Monday after allegedly stealing a sticky bun from Walgreens, according to a Boynton Beach Police Dept. report.

Police say James Gomperts fled from police and then crashed his bicycle into a patrol car.

No! A fellow cyclist!

Gomperts was later taken to the Palm Beach County Jail where he was charged with the theft of the bun and resisting officers.

Here’s the source, including the mug shot.

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It’s a little strange to call 911 on yourself. It’s even stranger if you’re doing it because …

“Basically I slapped him this morning because he wouldn’t have sex with me, and he hasn’t had sex with me in a couple of months, so I slapped him across the face and he wants me to go to jail,” reported the caller.

So why did this South Carolina woman call the cops?

She also told officers her husband was going to call the police, so she would do it for him, according to the report.

But before you take me to jail …

The wife then told the dispatcher she was going to change clothes and get ready for the police to arrive, because she didn’t want to go to jail in a sweatshirt and a pair of boxer shorts she was wearing at the time.

What did the husband have to say?

The husband claimed she never hit him and she just wanted to go to the J. Reuben Long Detention Center.

Quite the interesting family. The source is WMBF News. Click here for more.

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So maybe it’s an unusual way to round out your outfit, but to each his own. From

A 21-year-old Harrisburg man who wears a red clown nose while walking in New Cumberland is not violent and poses no serious threat to the public, borough police said.

Witnesses told officers they’ve seen the man point a toy gun at passing traffic and stare at people walking by, police said. He’s been cited for disorderly conduct three times since May, police said. 

The issue has garnered much attention on New Cumberland’s Facebook page, where some people say they are concerned about him. New Cumberland police say the man is mentally ill.

Maybe turn that concern into a helping hand? Here’s the source.