Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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A tv? If you’re wondering how this is possible, so is The Juice. As reported by WCCO (Minneapolis):

The officer then saw in plain view that King had a large item wrapped in plastic and stuffed down his pants. It was a 19-inch flat screen television. King also had other items in his pants, including a media player television remote, power cords, a bottle of brake fluid and two Xanax pills, a Schedule IV controlled substance.

Shazam! You can read more, and see a photo of the perp here.

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It may not be the oldest trick in the book, but it’s on the list. As reported by The Florida Times-Union (

Jacksonville police are looking to find a man who attempted to rob a Gate gas station on 103rd Street Monday morning.

About 3 a.m., a man with a plastic bag over his head walked behind the counter and ordered the clerk to “open the register and give me all the money,” according to a report from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

The man had a pointed object protruding from his shirt.

About that pointed object …

… the clerk immediately realized it was the man’s finger and said, “I’m not giving you anything,” according to the report.

Time to cut your losses? Not quite.

The would-be robber then turned his attention to a customer.

He told the customer to give up all of his money and, “[t]he customer laughed at the suspect,” according to the report.

The suspect was last seen heading northbound on foot from the business at 7023 103rd St.

Click here for the source.

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It’s good when high school students do odd jobs to earn a little extra money, right? This story might make you change your mind, or at least ask what the “jobs” are. As reported by

Charles Hersel was arrested in 2009 during a sting operation at a Thousand Oaks mall.

Westlake High School students said Hersel paid them to yell profanities, spit and slap his face, according to officials.

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Good things come to those who wait? So maybe that wouldn’t have been the case here, since our perp was waiting in line at the KFC/Taco Bell drive-through… Still, patience is a virtue. Impatience, at least when manifested this way, is criminal. As reported by

Jennifer Lynn Betterly was angry at how long the woman in front of her was taking to order food in the drive-through lane Saturday evening.

Sure. It happens.

So after screaming at her, police said, Betterly repeatedly rammed her Ford Focus into the woman’s car, then drove off.


Betterly, 24, was arrested at 6:45 p.m. Saturday, about an hour after the incident at the KFC/Taco Bell at 1648 Missouri Ave. S, according to an arrest report. She was driving with a suspended license, and police found a prescription pill bottle containing a single pill of the sleep aid Ambien. The label was torn, and she was unable to prove the pill was prescribed for her, according to the report.

The charges?

Betterly faces felony charges of aggravated battery and possession of a controlled substance, in addition to misdemeanor charges of driving with a suspended license, reckless driving and leaving the scene of a crash.

Crazy, right? It’s not like she was at Wendy’s …

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If you think your parents ever embarrassed you, step aside, and let this girl through. She is clearly at the front of the line. As reported by

A German judge has dismissed a lawsuit by a couple of swingers after their 15-year-old daughter discovered a video of them in a sex club with their faces undisguised on the website of TV channel RTL.

Can’t top that, can you? Didn’t think so. How did it happen?

The production company responsible for producing the report for RTL had meant to pixelate the couple’s faces but forgot, according to a report in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on Thursday.

So …

The swinging parents wanted compensation for the alleged pain and suffering their family faced after the embarrassing revelations.

Just one problem …

… the presiding judge said that in order to proceed with the lawsuit, the girl would have had to appear in court to testify and describe her shock – something he said she should be spared.

“I wouldn’t want be in your shoes,” he told the parents, according to the Süddeutsche. “That’s simply embarrassing.”

He explained that the parents weren’t due compensation because they had agreed to the filming in the first place and the production mistake had been an honest one.

So how do we get out of this mess?

[The judge] suggested a compromise: That the production company and RTL pay the parents a small fee for their appearance and cover their legal expenses of about €3,000 [euros].

After all, he said, the fact that real people could say “this is what these people look like” probably made the show even more successful than normal.

That “small fee” better be going to that poor girl. Here’s the source.

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Yeah, firing a bottle rocket out of your butt is never a good idea. And it’s even worse if it fails to launch! From the recently filed West Virginia case of Helmburg v. The Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity and Travis Hughes:

Defendant Hughes was highly intoxicated … and decided in his drunken stupor that it would be a good idea to shoot a bottle rocket out of his anus on the ATO deck …

Plaintiff and his girlfriend were also present on the ATO deck.

Defendant Hughes placed a bottle rocket in his anus, ignited the fuse, but instead of launching, the bottle rock blew up in Defendant’s rectum, and this startled plaintiff and caused him to jump back, at which time he fell off of the ATO deck, and he became lodged between the deck and an air conditioner unit adjacent to the deck.

So, you might be wondering, what legal duties does the plaintiff allege were breached by ATO?

ATO owed plaintiff a duty … to supervise its guests and its own fraternity members, such as Defendant Hughes, and other under age persons, from consuming alcohol on its premises, which leads to stupid and dangerous activities, such as shooting bottle rockets out of one’s own anus.

What about Mr. Hughes?

Defendant Hughes also owed plaintiff and others on the ATO deck a duty of care not to drink under age, or to file bottle rockets out of his anus.

And here’s a count for both defendants:

Plaintiff asserts that the activity of underage drinking and firing bottle rockets out of one’s own anus constitutes an “ultra-hazardous” activity which exposes both of these defendants to strict liability.

A painful night, all around.

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Such a brilliant hiding place. Who would possibly notice a large protrusion in the front of your pants? As reported by (Naperville, Illinois):

A 28-year-old man from the 200 block of North Smith Street, Aurora, was arrested about 6:08 p.m. Feb. 6 in the 2900 block of Audrey Avenue and charged with retail theft after placing a spool of copper wiring valued at $105 into the front of his pants.

Hey, how’d that get there? Doh!

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This is an example of a ridiculously over-the-top reaction to a totally harmless “event.” As reported by

Bond has been set for a JCJC student who was arrested for a hand written note claiming there was a bomb on campus.

Sounds serious, right? Nope, as you’ll see below.

Judge Billie Graham set a $20,000 bond for Harold Wayne Hadley Jr., 19. Hadley was arrested at his home in Seminary on Tuesday after the note was found in a bathroom at the industrial services building on the JCJC campus. In all, 11 agencies responded to the threat, but no bomb was found. Officials said Hadley was arrested after they matched his handwriting to the note, which was written on toilet paper. His family says the word “bomb” is often used by Hadley in reference to a bodily function and not an explosive device.

In case you haven’t figured it out, “bomb” = “fart”.

“He was in the restroom doodling on some toilet paper and I am going to just let modesty go and tell you we are from the country, and so he calls passing gas, bombs,” said Hadley’s Aunt. “So, he was doodling on the toilet paper and put I passed a bomb in the library, talking about passing gas and somebody come in and found it, give it to the teacher that recognized his hand writing and it blow all out of proportion.”

He was doodling on toilet paper, people, about farting!

While investigators will not reveal exactly what was written down by Hadley, they tell News Seven that the written bomb threat was more explicit than “I passed a bomb in the library”

Sure. Probably can’t say because of “national security.” It couldn’t be that they were just embarrassed.

Hadley’s family says he was an all “A” student who was scheduled to graduate in May. Meanwhile, he remains in the Jones County jail.

Well, we can all rest safely now… Here’s the source.

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All this time it was right under your nose. So close to your nose, in fact, that one would think you would have smelled it. As reported by

A cannabis farm has been discovered yards away from a city-centre police station.

And it was only discovered by chance.

More than 300 plants, worth £100,000, were found on the third floor of a disused multi-story warehouse after a blaze in the building, which is 40 yards away from, and opposite, Manchester’s Bootle Street [police] station.

It is thought the fire may have been started by an electrical short circuit that affected lighting used to grow the plants.

Curse you, fuse box! Here’s the source.

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How do you know when it’s time to find somewhere else to live? If your landlord starts losing it over the dishes, pack your bags! As reported by

A man told Port St. Lucie police that he’s renting a room from Carraway and “all of a sudden Ricky started yelling at him for leaving his dish out and got into his face,” the affidavit states.

Uh oh.

The man said Carraway entered his room, pushed him against a wall and choked him. He said Carraway left and came back. Carraway, he said, pointed a gun at him and said he was “about to put some holes in you,” the affidavit states.

Holes?! What did Mr. Carraway have to say?

Carraway said he was upset about the man’s mess and asked him to clean up. He said the man brushed against him so he pushed him off. Carraway said he got his gun and pointed it toward the ground, telling the man to get out.

So, we’re good, right? Nope. Mr. Carraway “was arrested on charges including aggravated assault and battery.” Here’s the source, including a photo of Mr. Carraway.