Lots of folks have lots of reasons for remaining silent when questioned by the police. But this is a new one, at least for The Juice. First, the charges, as reported by Hunterdon County Democrat (New Jersey):
… eluding police and resisting arrest, which are criminal charges. He also faces a dozen motor vehicle charges: careless driving, reckless driving, disregard of a traffic signal, making unsafe lane changes, going the wrong way on a one-way street, obstructing the passage of another vehicle, failure to comply with police orders, failure to use proper procedure when passing a stopped emergency vehicle, failure to signal a turn, failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, speeding across a sidewalk, and crossing a highway divider.
Yikes. So what happened?
Patrolman Robert Godown was cruising North Main Street near the Flemington Arms apartments on Feb. 28 at about 11 p.m., when Mohsen Shehata, 31, of Flemington allegedly sped by going south.
“Light ’em up,” he said to his partner. [Not really, but he should have, right?]
With lights flashing and siren wailing, Godown followed Shehata’s black Pontiac down Main Street, but when Shehata reached the Main Street roundabout, he turned left, against the flow of the circle, and continued a short way east in the wrong lane of Route 12 before hitting the curb and shrubs at Prestige Wealth Management and coming to a stop.
About the “why” …
When police asked him why he was driving so fast and was so unwilling to yield to authority, he replied that he was “angry” for personal reasons that he could not enumerate for religious reasons, police said.
Religious reasons? He’ll have to better than that for the judge. And it looks like he’ll have some time to think it over.
He was lodged in the county jail with bail set at $5,000 full.
Click here for the source.