Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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Clearly this lady is not cut out to be a school bus driver. Why? Well, as reported by The Herald-Tribune (Sarasota, Florida) …

A school bus driver has been fired for defecating on school grounds and encouraging a student to drop his pants and “moon” other students through the bus window.

Maureen Butler, 50, also reportedly admitted to district investigators that high-school students threw condoms and tampons on her bus that were found later by elementary school children.

A fine example for the youngsters. You can read a fair amount more here. And yes, she was fired.

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For something that is all about “freedom,” this gent has spent a lot of time in jail because of it. For what? As always, The Juice provides you with the naked truth, this time via

Naked rambler Stephen Gough has been arrested, just three days after he was released from a six-year jail term.

No! Not again!

Gough, who hikes across the United Kingdom nude, was arrested in Townhill, Dunfermline, yesterday afternoon by officers from Fife Constabulary. The 53-year-old had been released from Perth prison on Tuesday.

A spokesman for Fife Constabulary said he had been arrested following complaints from members of the public and had been charged with a breach of the peace.

Damn you public! Seriously, the man is not hurting anyone.

The former marine, from Eastleigh in Hampshire, earned the “naked rambler” nickname by walking unclothed from Land’s End to John o’ Groats after quitting his job as a lorry driver.

He said earlier this week, as he walked free from jail, that he planned to walk to England to see his family.

In the past, officers at Perth prison would wait at the gates of the jail to re-arrest him on his release as he set off naked. However, this week they decided to turn a blind eye.

Finally! The man served his country. Good choice to let him be.

As he strolled through Perthshire naked on Thursday, he reportedly said: “The human body is not offensive – anyone who thinks this is offensive is acting irrationally. It is social conditioning gone wrong.”

Gough went on: “Freedom is why I am doing this. The naked bit is secondary. So I’ve not won or lost my battle. I’ve not lost time behind bars because I am still alive and free. And that’s how it will stay.”

He said he had spent up to 23 hours a day in solitary confinement at Perth because of his refusal to wear clothes.

If that’s true, it’s beyond idiotic. It’s criminal.

He said the time passed quickly and that, although he had expected trouble from some inmates, most had been supportive and friendly.

As for the origin of the journey …

Gough’s initial Land’s End to John o’ Groat’s trip began in 2003 and was beset with difficulties, including numerous arrests, beatings from gangs of youths and time in a psychiatric hospital. [A psychiatric assessment has concluded that Gough is sane.]

Each time he has appeared in court, he has been naked apart from a blanket. He has mostly been charged with a breach of the peace by conducting himself in a disorderly manner, by walking naked in the presence of the public.

He continues to refuse to wear clothes, and says that he would like to repeal indecency laws and establishment attitudes.

For this he’s spent the past 6 years in jail? Not cool. Here’s the source, including a photo of Mr. Gough.

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How embarrassing? Check this out, as reported by The Telegraph:

A man who was caught drink-driving in a toy car with a top speed of 4mph has been banned from driving.

Paul Hutton, 40, was pulled over by police as he drove an electric Barbie car, which moves slower than a mobility scooter, near his home in Essex. Mr Hutton, who has four children Simon, 17, Calum, 14, Laina, 12, and John, 11, admitted being a ‘complete twit’.

Speaking after the hearing at Colchester magistrates court, he said: “You have to be a contortionist to get in, and then you can’t get out. “I was very surprised to get done for drink-driving but I was a twit to say the least. “It is designed for three-to-five-year-olds.

“Originally it was a pink Barbie car but I put bigger wheels on it but it’s not fast. “I’m not unhappy with my punishment, just a little bit surprised.”

Mr Hutton, who is divorced, is a former RAF aeronautical engineer who now studies electrical engineering at Colchester Institute. He explained: “I’m in the third year of my electrical engineering course and it was a little project I was doing with my son who is doing a car mechanics course. “When it was done I couldn’t resist the temptation to take it out.

“Mr Hutton, was found to be twice the drink-drive limit, he said. Appearing before magistrates last week, he admitted driving the toy car while drunk. He was given a mandatory three-year ban because he had received another drink-drive ban within the past ten years. Magistrates also gave him a 12-month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay £85 court costs.

Chairman of the bench Neil Munson said: “This is most unusual. “I have never seen the like of it in 15 years on the bench.

“The vehicle is not even capable of doing the speed of a mobility scooter and could be outrun by a pedestrian. “Taking this into account, we feel we can impose a sentence of a conditional discharge for a period of 12 months.”

The car was confiscated by police until the hearing but Mr Hutton now hopes to get it back.

Here’s the source, including a photo of the driver.

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Who doesn’t like horses? You can start with this Nebraska lady, at least when it comes to police horses. As reported by

Three police officers and a horse were needed to take a 20-year-old Omaha woman into custody early Sunday in the Old Market after she intervened in a traffic stop.

Officer Jacob Bettin, a police spokesman, said the three officers all sustained minor injuries including scratches, cuts and bite marks during the incident. The woman was booked into jail for resisting arrest, three counts of assaulting an officer and one count of assaulting a police service animal.

Bettin said the incident began about 1:20 a.m. when the woman approached an officer who had made a traffic stop near 10th and Harney Streets. The woman, who was not part of the traffic stop, approached the officer and became “verbally and physically combative,” he said.

Two other officers, including one on patrol service horse Gunny, arrived to help place the woman under arrest.

Yikes. Here’s the source.

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What could possibly have been going through this attorney’s mind in the lead-up to this bizarre, just plain gross in a really weird way, action? As reported by HawaiiNewsNow:

A Kauai attorney was convicted of harassment Thursday after being accused of licking his client’s ear at his office last year.

First reaction: Eww!

The 26 year-old complaining witness said in court that she was in the Lihue office of attorney Lawrence McCreery July 26, 2011 discussing her child custody case when the incident occurred.

She said McCreery, who was licensed to practice law in Hawaii in 1975, touched her arm and said, “You look so good,” and, “Too bad you’re married.” The witness said McCreery made a “weird sound” and then hugged her tightly and licked the back of her right ear.

As for Mr. McCreery:

McCreery took the stand Thursday to deny the charges. He testified that the complaining witness initiated the hug and he denied licking her ear.

McCreery’s defense attorney, Michael Soong, argued that it would be physically difficult for the incident to have occurred as reported by the witness.


Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Lance Kobashigawa told the court that all elements of the harassment law were proved and that there was no mistake that what the complaining witness felt on her ear that day was McCreery licking her.

You know what the judge concluded. Here’s what he said:

Per Diem Fifth Circuit District Court Judge Frank Rothschild said there was no evidence that the complaining witness had any motive to make up the story or to lie.

The judge added that defense claims early in the trial that the defense would dispute the complaining witness’s credibility never materialized.

“Quite frankly,” said the judge, “these are the actions of a dirty old man.”

Ouch. That has got to hurt, your reputation, and a whole lot more. But wait – it’s not over yet.

McCreery’s attorney told the court that he would be appealing the decision.

Yeah, that’s a good idea. Keep the story alive, when you have virtually no chance of prevailing. Here’s the source.

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You’ve probably never burgled before. But if you did, don’t you think you’d be a little nervous? Not this lady, as reported by (Louisville, Kentucky)

Police say a Florence, Ky., woman was so comfortable burglarizing homes that she even stopped to take a shower during one of her crimes.

Virginia McFadden, age 31, is charged with nine counts of burglary after police say she broke into residences on Sherwood Avenue, Everett Avenue, Highland Avenue, Glenmary Avenue and Murray Avenue.

A shower! How was this clean, cool burglar busted?

Police say McFadden was caught on surveillance video trying to use one of her victims’ gift cards at WalMart.


She was arrested Thursday afternoon after police say she confessed to the burglaries.

Here’s the source, complete with Ms. McFadden’s mug shot.

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Someone must have been awfully hungry to be this cranky. As reported in a news release from the Sarasota County (Florida) Sheriff’s Office:

The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a Sarasota man for threatening another driver with a gun in the drive-thru of the McDonald’s at 3828 Bee Ridge Road.

Restaurant employees called 911 at 2:47 p.m., Thursday, to report that a man in a white Mercedes sedan had just driven off after threatening to kill the driver of a brown car and aiming a gun at him during heated exchange. Witnesses say the suspect, who was identified as John Widmann III, DOB 12/4/56, 5120 Flicker Field Circle, was apparently upset about how the man pulled into the drive-thru lane. During Widmann’s tirade, he also pointed his gun toward a McDonald’s employee with a group of juveniles nearby.

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Warning: this is truly disgusting. If you try and think of a product you could buy at CVS, and then return, that would be really, really disgusting, you would NOT think of this. As reported by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office:

Investigation revealed the individual was frequenting the CVS since March 2012 and began returning the product in April 2012. He would purchase a pack of enemas and return them at a later time. According CVS personnel, the items appeared to be unused and therefore the store would put the box of enemas back on the shelf for resale.

Enemas! Back on the shelf! “Appeared” to be unused …

On Tuesday, June 5, 2012, a CVS employee thought it was strange that the same individual was making returns with the same product. The employee decided to check the box of enemas after it was returned. Upon opening the box, the employee observed all the enemas (6) had been used and the box had been resealed so it would appear to be unopened. An employee then checked the additional three boxes on the shelf and determined they had all been previously used.

Why does one man need so many enemas? Anyway …

On Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 10:19 a.m., the same unknown individual attempted to return another box of enemas that were purchased at 8:12 p.m. on Wednesday, June 11, 2012. The employee advised the individual that he could no longer take returns for these items. The employee contacted his loss prevention manager and advised all the area CVS stores about this incident.

Oh it’s on now, enema man.

On Wednesday, June 13, 2012 a CVS employee thought he observed the customer’s vehicle, obtained the tag number and contacted the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office.

On Thursday, June 14, 2012 the JSO was contacted by CVS with information to help identify the suspect. CVS personnel were able to determine that the suspect purchased enemas on one occurrence with a credit card. That transaction, as well as other purchases at the store, and the tag number led police to a possible suspect.

But how would they be sure they had their man? Do you really want to know?

Samples were taken of the fluid in the enema bottles and have been sent to the Florida Department of Health for testing. Fecal matter was located on some of the returned enema bottles. The fecal matter has been collected as evidence and submitted to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for testing.

You were warned.

The individual has been identified, and was arrested on an unrelated outstanding warrant. The investigation continues.

Here’s the source.

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Not sure how The Juice missed this recent case. Three men figured out how to get free vacations at Walt Disney World, and did so, many times, FOR YEARS! Here’s how, as reported by

Investigators said three men outsmarted Walt Disney World security and took lavish, free vacations inside the parks for nearly four years.

Officials said Joseph Geiger, Robert Falk and Steven Nero allegedly racked up more than $15,000 in charges in just one month and never paid for any of them.

$15k in one month? Imagine how much they must have “spent” in four years. So how did they do it?

Investigators found that the men would book hotel rooms with one credit card and then put down a second, pre-paid debit card with only a $1 or $2 on it to cover any charges to the room. They would then go out in the parks, bill everything to the room and take off before the charges caught up and employees found out.

Officials said this was all done through a loophole in the park’s reservation system.

A truck-sized loophole. Guess how they were caught? They got greedy.

Last month, a cigar shop worker notified authorities after seeing the men spend hundreds of dollars there at a time.

Investigators said they received a call from security at Disney, which led to the arrest.

Two of the gents came in and confessed. Mr. Nero, though, is still out there, no doubt puffing away on some pricey cigars. Here’s the source.

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Actually, madam, your money isn’t good anywhere in the United Kingdom. As a personal injury lawyer, but for his alter ego, this is not something The Juice would normally come across. No doubt Ms. Louise Munro would not have come across a law like the Coinage Act of 1971 either, had she not tried to pay for her gas with, well, coins! As reported by The Liverpool Echo:

Staff at the BP garage in Queens Drive, West Derby, told 24-year-old Louise Munro that they could not accept the 1p and 2p pieces she offered after her bank card failed because of a system failure.

Say what?