Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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It was a bad day for these growers when a certain police officer decided to go on a high-protein diet as part of a body building regimen. Huh? Here’s why, as reported by

“[Leicester police officers] asked their colleague in the back what he had been eating, and after fits of giggles and denials, they realised the cannabis smell was in the air in the street outside,” it said.

The team noticed a strong smell of cannabis as they sucked in the welcome fresh air, and tracked it to a nearby house, reports the Police Federation’s magazine.

“Imagine the surprise on the faces of the occupants of the house further along the road when the officers, following their noses, found a cannabis factory with a crop worth £12,000.”

“It was a good collar and it was all down to this officer and his flatulence,” a police source said.

A lucky collar, more accurately, unless it was your house. In that case, not so lucky. Here’s the source.

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Perhaps Barry Accordi was an excellent police officer. It’s quite clear, though, that he’s really not cut out to be a “Humane Officer,” which is the job he took after retiring as a sergeant. As reported by

The Ohio Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals wants Humane Officer Barry Accorti fired for allegedly shooting five kittens in a home’s back yard on Monday.

Say what?

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Putting aside the question of why a jail employee would ever eat anything prepared by an inmate, this is pretty gross. As reported by The South Florida Sun-Sentinel:

Anthony Gentile, 41, an inmate at the Manatee County Jail, was assigned to work at the facility’s kitchen prep room last Wednesday to help make salads, according to an arrest affidavit from the Manatee County Sheriff’s Office.

While preparing salads gentile Gentile took as spoon he had been using and stuck it down his pants and rubbed his gentilia with the utensil before taking the spoon and placing it back into the salad, according to the report.

Sure, that’s gross, but …

The inmate then allegedly placed his junk into the bowl of salad.

To wrap up his prep …

Gentile then reportedly spat into the salad.

Perfection! It is ready to be served.

After fouling the greens, Gentile then handed the salad to a employee of the jail and asked him to taste the salad to “make sure it was alright,” the affidavit stated.

The employee tasted the salad not knowing what had been done to it and commented to his jail buds that “The (female dog) is out there eating it, according to the Sheriff’s Office.

The charges?

Gentile is now charged with Battery of a Facility Employee by Expelling Fluids

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If you throw something in the trash, and someone then takes it from the trash, is that stealing? OF COURSE NOT! Well, there’s a resident of New York who would disagree. As reported by (New York):

A Panama Lane resident reported garbage had been stolen from in front of the house for the fourth time in eight months.

After it rains, do you call the cops and say your neighbor is stealing your run-off water? It’s garbage! You don’t want it? Why do you care! Aargh!

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People use the words “chicken shit” all the time. This fella, though, is accused of doing much more than using the words. As seen at

Prosecutors say [Tom] Parsons [49] , following a dispute with the county treasurer over a vehicle registration, placed the registration card in chicken feces and mailed the material to the official in a zip-lock bag.  The first-class mail piece was sent from the Pierre Post Office.

Brilliant! They’ll never trace it back to you… The plea?

Parsons entered the plea to a single count of Injurious Articles as Nonmailable Friday afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Moreno in Pierre Federal Court. A trial date has not yet been set.

In the mean time …

Following a discussion on conditions, Moreno released Parsons on a personal recognizance bond with supervision meaning he has to remain in contact with the parole office. Parsons also can have no contact with postal service employees except for regular transactions during the normal business day.

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It’s so nice when family and friends get together and just hang out, maybe have a cocktail, right? Before you say yes, remember that there are many kinds of cocktails … Per

HFD arson Investigators said the incident started as an argument between [Darius] Owens [26] and a family member during a gathering in the apartment.

Uh oh.

Authorities said Owens, who is related to the apartment’s tenant, left for a while but then returned with a lit Molotov cocktail. Witnesses said he tossed the cocktail into the apartment, which still had three or four people inside.

Yup, that kind of cocktail.

HFD firefighters were called to a complex on Hayes Road at Westheimer Road shortly before midnight Thursday. Several units were already on fire when they got there, but crews managed to put out the blaze before it spread to all 16 units in the building.

Five apartments were destroyed, and a firefighter sustained minor injuries to his hand, but there were no other reports of serious injuries.

What about Mr. Owens?

Bystanders later caught the suspect as he tried to jump a fence, witnesses said. A neighbor told KHOU 11 that residents helped hold Owens down until police arrived.

As firefighters put out the flames, police were busy taking Owens into custody. He was captured on video laughing as he was placed in the back of a patrol car.

You’ll find the source here, including a picture of Mr. Owens smiling.

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Do not read this within 30 minutes of eating. It’s gross. It’s about diarrhea. As reported by, there was a dispute between two roommates about said diarrhea.

Palmieri, 59, was suffering from severe diarrhea March 10 in the apartment he shared at 473 Pleasantview Ave. with David Utt, 62, according to a Syracuse police report.

“I asked him to use the bathroom fan so that it wouldn’t smell up the house,” Utt said in a written statement. The request upset Palmieri.

Seems like a reasonable request to The Juice.

“Thanks for the sympathy,” Palmieri said, according to Utt.

“It’s common courtesy,” Utt replied.


Palmieri then vowed to “crap all over the house, the bathroom and my car,” Utt told police.

Oh it’s on.

Palmieri got into his pajama bottoms, then went outside, Utt told police. Utt was suspicious because Palmieri doesn’t smoke.

During the night, Utt discovered Palmieri had defecated “all over the floor in the bathroom and in the hallway near the bathroom,” Utt’s statement said.

The next morning, Utt opened the door to his 1997 Lincoln and saw “that Palmieri had, in fact, defecated over the back seat of his car, on the leather seats,” a police report said.

Utt had to drive the feces-laden car because he had to get to a doctor’s appointment that morning, he said. When he got home, he gave Palmieiri five minutes to start cleaning it all up.

Yeah. Think that happened?

“How does it feel to be (expletive) on?” Palmieri asked, Utt told police. Then Palmieri punched him in the face, Utt said.

So you shit all over the place, and then you punch him in the face?

Utt told police he doesn’t know how much it will cost him to have the car professionally cleaned, the report said.

Just junk it pal. You’re wasting your time.

Palmieri told police in a phone interview that he didn’t want to give his version of the story or return to the scene, “adding that he has diarrhea,” said the report written by Officer Shawn Prue.

The Juice hopes the new roommate has a bad sniffer. The charges?

Palmieri was charged with second-degree harassment and fourth-degree criminal mischief.

Here’s the source, including a link to the actual Syracuse police report.

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This Florida woman has never been luckier. Actually, her estranged husband was lucky too. What is The Juice talking about? Check this out, from the Hillsborough County [Florida] Sheriff’s Office:

On May 19, 2013 at approximately 1:27 a.m., the defendant, Julio Villanueva-Vasquez used a tool to puncture the tires of a friend who was visiting the defendant’s estranged wife. The defendant then went to the main entry of the residence and used a tool to attempt to pry the door open. The victim heard strange noises at the door and observed the defendant through the window crouched down. The victim opened the door to take a picture as proof of the defendant being there. The defendant rushed in uninvited.

Here’s where the luck comes in.

The defendant and the victim engaged in a physical struggle before the defendant pulled a semi-auto handgun from his waist area. He then pulled the trigger after pointing the gun at the victim’s chest. The gun did not fire so he racked the slide twice and fired twice more, but the gun malfunctioned. The defendant fled on foot.

Three misfires? That’s some serious luck.

The victim sustained a small laceration to the face. She positively identified Villanueva-Vasquez as her attacker. A domestic violence injunction was in effect against the defendant. He was located at his residence and arrested without incident.

You’ll find the source, including a mug shot, here.

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First of all, is The Juice the only one who didn’t know some Walmarts are open 24 hours? Maybe if they had more “associates” working, things like this wouldn’t happen. Per The Belleville News-Democrat (Illinois):

According to police reports, two men walked into the [Wal-Mart store in Collinsville] at about 3:20 a.m. They each grabbed a TV and walked out of the store without paying. They got into a car where another man was waiting and fled the scene. The vehicle was described as a blue 1986 Chevrolet station wagon with license plate number R309361.

It’s probably a stolen car, right? Well, maybe not …

The description of the suspects’ vehicle matches a car that police said was used in a similar robbery May 6 at the Best Buy electronics store in Fairview Heights.

The men are still at large, though probably not for long. Here’s the source.

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Everyone knows nicotine is physically addictive. But check out what these gents went through just to get some cigarettes, per

La Marque, Texas — Police are looking for two men who pulled pistols on a convenience store clerk and made off with a supply of cigarettes valued at about $100.

The pair of black men, dress all in black and wearing ski masks pulled the robbery Wednesday morning at the Main Street Grocery Store in the 1600 block of FM 519, then fled on foot.

Police ask anyone with information about the two call La Marque Crime Stoppers (409) 938.8477

Ski masks and guns for $100 in cigarettes? That’s a head-scratcher. Here’s the source.