Articles Posted in Odd Cases

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don't sign
A Minnesota man was thinking no such thought as he got ready to … spit! And he paid the price. As reported by (Minneapolis):

“I was walking to get some pizza with some buddies,” Thomas said.

The 21-year-old said he was getting over an illness and he spit as he was walking. He quickly learned that’s illegal in Minneapolis.

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no littering sign don't litter litterbug bug
Have you EVER heard of anyone getting a ticket for littering? They should, but it just never seems to happen, much to The Juice’s chagrin.  Well, a litterbug in New York got busted, sort of. As reported by

The litterbug told police that he tossed some trash in the parking lot of a fast-food chain between Kingsland and Morgan avenues at 12:50 pm. A moment later, two men came up to him and showed him shields.

Officer, arrest that man! He just admitted to littering! No?

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first class seat

If you have ever been lucky enough to fly first class, maybe you’ll have some understanding of what this man did… As reported by The Highline Times (Washington State):

A man sits in King County jail after he allegedly bolted through a security checkpoint at Sea-Tac Airport and onto an empty plane. The suspect did not have a plane ticket when he ran through the TSA passenger screening area. The man reportedly made it to Gate D10 and is accused of going through emergency exit doors and onto an airport ramp. He then climbed the stairs to the jetway, broke safety glass on a security door, made it on to an empty American Airlines plane and belted himself in a first class seat. Officers entered the plane and were able to take the suspect into custody after a short struggle. The man, in his late 20ʼs, was likely under the influence of drugs. A judge set bail at $100,000.

First, what the hell kind of security is that? A guy who is completely wasted makes it through the TSA screening, gets all the way to Gate D10 (you know that’s not close), and then makes it onto a plane? And $100,000 bail seems a little excessive. He hardly sounds like a flight risk (get it?).

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female police officer
And this thief thought she had the perfect hiding place. Well, as it turned out, not so much. As reported by (Louisville, Kentucky)

Demonica Allen was arrested after police say she stole money while working at a stand during a University of Louisville game.

Police uncovered $166 from Allen after she was arrested.

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car key
Please, please, please just tell The Juice you did not fall for the oldest trick in the book – the “key swap.” Okay, so The Juice had never heard of the “key swap” either. As reported by

It sounds like a Hollywood heist. Thieves stole a $55,000 vehicle from the Arrigo Dodge dealership Wednesday afternoon without breaking a sweat or a window.

Maybe Hollywood, Florida, but pretty smooth nonetheless.

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doughnuts donuts
You will not believe the lengths this gent went to just to get a discount on some donuts, not that asking them for free would have changed the story very much. As reported by

Deputies say 48-year-old Charles “Chuck” Barry went to the drive-thru of a Trinity Dunkin’ Donuts last week, and after identifying himself as law enforcement, asked for a discount on his order of donuts.

Why certainly officer! No?

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best buddies
You’ve heard the expression “Brilliant minds think alike.” Well, what about drunk minds? As reported by

Officers Matthew McAuliffe and Robert Appel responded to a report of two men who crashed into a rock wall in the area of Simpson Avenue and Whitfield Place, police said.

Appel found a blue van at the the Sommerfield Avenue-Strowbridge Road intersection and pulled it over, police said. McAuliffe soon joined him at the traffic stop.

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ronald mcdonald mcdonalds restaurant
It’s so easy, in the comfort of your own home, or sitting there in your ergonomic office chair, to say that you wouldn’t have reacted as this Houston woman did. But can you really know with certainty? Exactly. As reported by

According to officers with the Houston Police Department, the woman got upset over her drink at a McDonald’s restaurant, caused a disturbance, and then sped off [and allegedly led police on high-speed chase.]  Police said they spotted her older Mercedes with an expired sticker, and they tried to pull her over.

Okay, so perhaps she overreacted a little.

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angry ref referee mad
It’s often said that security guards are wannabe cops. Have you ever heard that said about refs? Me either. But check this out, as reported by

An apparent argument over crowd control between high school football referees and members of the Covington Police Department led to the arrest of two members of the officiating crew.

You probably saw that coming. So what happened?

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drunk man person guy singing
Apparently this gent was a real peach on the flight. But that was nothing compared to his antics as he departed the plane.  As reported by The Manchester Evening News:

A drunken jet passenger was tasered by police after stripping naked on the airpot tarmac – and challenging the captain to a fight.

The 52-year-old man, who had arrived in Manchester on an easyJet flight from Malta, also urinated up the side of the Terminal One building.