Articles Posted in Extra Pulp

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You might think that someone is not going to hit you in the face and get away with it. But you probably hadn’t envisioned anything like this. As reported by (Michigan):

Two men say assaulted a woman assaulted them with a fish last weekend.

Holy mackerel! [Yeah, yeah. You try doing this every day for 3+ years!]

It happened Saturday on Little Black Lake near the corner of Wood Road and Judson Road in Norton Shores. Police say they received a call from two men from Egelston Township in their early 20s.

The men said that a woman had asked them to turn around while she urinated on the ice. When they did, the woman, a 29-year-old from Fruitport, threw a fish, hitting one of them. She then allegedly came up and slapped the other man in the face with a fish.

Someone is clearly having a bad day. So what happened with the cops? Zippy.

The two men decided not to file charges, and the case has been closed.

And you called the cops because …? Here’s the source, with a video news report of the story.

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Some things you can chalk up to just having a bad day. But this? Nope. Gotta check yourself way before your fist approaches the meter maid’s face. As reported by the Chicago Sun-Times:

A west suburban man has been charged for allegedly punching a female meter maid in the face after she wrote him a ticket Friday evening in the River North neighborhood.

Hasan Perryman, 37, of the 800 block of South 19th Street in Maywood, was charged with one count of felony aggravated battery of a government employee, police said.

Perryman is accused of striking a Traffic Management Authority employee in the face about 5 p.m. Jan. 14 at in the 110 block of West Grand Avenue, police said.

The woman was writing a ticket when the man approached and repeatedly struck her in the face, police said. He fled but was found by a responding police officer.

Repeatedly? Dude. What about the meter maid?

The TMA employee was taken to Northwestern Memorial Hospital, police News Affairs Officer Darryl Baety said.

Here’s wishing her well. (Hey, scofflaws, it’s nothing personal for the meter maids. It’s just business.)

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If you don’t follow Legal Juice on Twitter (@LegalJuice), you missed this, and the occasional story that The Juice thinks is time-sensitive (not timeless, like The Juice’s other posts.)

Judge orders that Defendant have duct tape over his mouth for his next court appearance. Really.

And don’t worry about stupid, random tweet’s from The Juice about what he’s thinking or having for dinner. He knows you don’t care, and values your time.

You can also like Legal Juice on Facebook.

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This should be the worst thing that happens when people disagree with their elected representatives. As reported at

Scotland Office minister David Mundell was hit by a pie as he arrived at a private reception yesterday.

Mr Mundell, the only Tory MP in Scotland, was in St Andrews, Fife, to attend a private event.

He was met by a group protesting against cuts to education.

It was not known who threw the pastry, understood to a be a shop-bought key lime pie.

Shop-bought? Where’s the honor in that? Nothing expresses a strongly-felt belief more than a home-baked pie or cake.

Conservative councillor Dorothea Morrison, who was also attending the reception at St Andrews, told the Courier newspaper: “He just took it calmly and said he wasn’t going to press any charges.”

A Tory spokesman said Mr Mundell, MP for Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale, was at the reception in a party capacity and would not be taking further action.

Well played, sir. Here’s the source, including a photo of Mr. Mundell.

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No way this job can be that lucrative. From The Hamilton [Ontario] Spectator police blotter:

Jan. 2 – Four men collecting empty beer bottles get into a fight at 10 p.m. in what police say could have been a “turf war” over the lucrative job. A 40-year-old man is stabbed and taken to hospital. A Hamilton man, 25, is charged with aggravated assault.

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Yes, April S. Uwanawich (is The Juice the only one who reads this name and thinks “You Want A Witch?”), was born on 7/7/77. And she is a fortune-teller in Pennsylvania. Just one small problem – it’s against the law. As reported in The Pottstown Mercury:

A person is guilty of the charge if they “tell fortunes or predict future events … pretend to effect any purpose by spells, charms, necromancy or incantation, or advise the taking or administering of what are commonly called love powders or potions,” reads the statute.

Persons violate the law if they “stop bad luck,” “give good luck,” “win the affection of a person,” or “tell where to dig for treasure,” in return for “gain or lucre.”

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It boils down to this: If you want to tax paranormal practitioners in Romania, prepare to become a four-legged animal – if you’re lucky. So maybe that’s an oversimplification, but not by much. As reported by The Independent:

Everyone curses the tax man, but Romanian witches angry about having to pay up are planning to use cat excrement and dead dogs to cast spells on the country’s government, which has introduced a new levy on those practicing the paranormal.

Superstitions are no laughing matter in Romania – the land of the medieval ruler who inspired the Dracula tale – and have been part of its culture for centuries. President Traian Basescu and his aides have even been known to wear purple on certain days, supposedly to ward off evil.

Romanian witches from the east and west went to the country’s southern plains and the Danube river yesterday to threaten the government with spells and spirits because of the tax law, which came into effect on 1 January.

A dozen witches hurled the poisonous mandrake plant into the Danube to put a hex on government officials “so evil will befall them”, said a witch named Alisia. She added: “What is there to tax, when we hardly earn anything? The lawmakers don’t look at themselves, at how much they make, their tricks; they steal and they come to us asking us to put spells on their enemies.”

So, at a minimum, don’t drink from the Danube for a while. And lawmakers, you might want to go all purple, all the time. Got any purple skivvies?

The new law is part of the government’s drive to collect more revenue and crack down on tax evasion in a country that is in recession.

In the past, the less mainstream professions of witch, astrologer and fortune teller were not listed in the Romanian labour code. People who worked in those jobs used their lack of registration to evade income tax.

Under the new law, like any self-employed person, they will pay 16 per cent income tax and make contributions to health and pension programmes. But the law may be hard to enforce as payments to witches and astrologers are usually made in cash and relatively small.

Okay, so it’s virtually unenforceable. For this, lawmakers are willing to give up their entire non-purple wardrobe?

Supporters of Mircea Geoana, who lost the presidential race to Basescu in 2009, blamed his defeat on attacks of negative energy by their opponent’s aides. Geoana aide Viorel Hrebenciuc alleged there was a “violet flame” conspiracy during the campaign, saying Basescu and other aides dressed in purple on Thursdays to increase his chance of victory. They continue to be seen wearing purple clothing on important days because the colour supposedly makes the wearer superior and wards off evil.

This isn’t new in Romanian politics.

Such spiritualism has long been tolerated by the Orthodox Church in Romania, and the late Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, had their own personal witch.

Queen witch Bratara Buzea, 63, who was imprisoned in 1977 for witchcraft under Ceausescu’s regime, is furious about the new law. Sitting cross-legged in her villa in the lake resort of Mogosoaia, just north of Bucharest, she said she planned to cast a spell using a particularly effective concoction of cat excrement and dead dog, accompanied by a chorus of witches.

Cat excrement and dead dog? It’s certainly not “a dog’s life” in Romania (at least not when the recipe dictates).

“We do harm to those who harm us,” she said. “They want to take the country out of this crisis using us? They should get us out of the crisis because they brought us into it.” She added ominously: “My curses always work.”

Got that, tax man? Always! Here’s the source, with a photo of the queen.

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Although The Juice hasn’t been to Idaho, can it be that bad? And has this guy been following current events in Mexico? The drug war isn’t going too well. Regardless, the guy is just trying to get back there. As reported by The Idaho Mountain Express:

A man who police say wanted to be arrested and deported to Mexico allegedly stole a Jerome Police Department squad car Monday evening and drove it to Carey. The vehicle was recovered about an hour later by the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office.

Guadalupe Cruz-Vasquez, a 38-year-old Jerome resident, was arrested on a felony charge of grand theft and transported Monday night to the Jerome County Jail. The squad car, a Ford Crown Victoria that sustained a broken window, has been returned to the Jerome Police Department.

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The threat: “This is going in your permanent record!” The reaction: Most folks just accept it and move on. Another option? Steal it! That’s what former Hillsborough, New Hampshire town administrator Jim Coffey allegedly did. As reported by The Manchester Union Leader:

Police Lt. Ian Donovan said Coffey, the former town administrator who served for 15 years, was told by town officials that he could view or make copies of his files, but he couldn’t remove them.

“He did anyway,” Donovan said.

And he almost got away with it, too. Okay, not really.

He was found by police driving on Route 9 and surrendered the files, Donovan said. The lieutenant said he couldn’t confirm if the entire ream of documents had been returned or if any were missing.

Coffey was released on $1,000 personal recognizance bail. He is due Feb. 24 in Henniker District Court. He could not be reached for comment.

This comes at a bad time for Mr. Coffey. Why? He is now “newly elected state Rep. Jim Coffey.” Doh! Click here for the source.