It would appear that Mr. Octavian Borges is Taserproof. Check this out, from The Courier Mail:
A North Queensland man, aged 21, has stunned police by proving impervious to a Taser deployment and casually removing the barbs – not once but three times.
Octavian Borges casually removed the barbs fired into his upper body by police during a tense situation at Townsville on Monday.
He was Tasered again twice, but on both occasions only one barb made contact and the weapon could not make a circuit.
The incredible situation developed after Borges allegedly stole a car from a Garbutt address early Monday morning.
He was chased by the vehicle’s owner until he became bogged at Rowes Bay.
A brutal roadside fistfight then broke out sparking a flood of Triple 0 calls to police from passers-by.
When a crew arrived, a bleeding Borges ran off towards an RSL retirement village where he is alleged to have broken into an elderly lady’s apartment.
As officers entered the unit Borges was alleged to be rifling through a cutlery drawer and removed an item placing it under his shirt.
When he approached officers in a threatening matter and refused to drop the object a Taser was presented.
He failed to comply so the weapon was deployed with the barbs hitting him in the shoulder and rib area.
Incredibly, the Taser appeared to have no effect on him and he removed the barbs, taunting police with “is that the best you’ve got?”
He then ran off out of the apartment with stunned police following close behind.
He was approached and Tasered a second time, but only one of the barbs made contact – which he again pulled out.
A third deployment was also unsuccessful and Borges allegedly pulled out a torch he was hiding under his shirt.
When police realised he was not armed with a knife, they approached him and after a short struggle were able to physically restrain him.
He was taken to Townsville Hospital for treatment for a drug-related condition and the injuries he suffered in the roadside fight.
Police said the Tasers involved in the incident had been sent to Brisbane for testing to ensure they were functioning properly.
Borges was charged with enter with intent, unlawful use of a motor vehicle and multiple counts of obstructing police and appeared in Townsville Magistrates Court on Tuesday.
He was remanded in custody until his next hearing on Monday.
Can a jail cell hold this guy?