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Here’s how short this woman’s tenure at her new job was: Welcome Casi! You’re under arrest. Doh! As reported by The Beacon-News:

An Aurora woman has been accused of stealing a designer handbag from a resale shop in Naperville — on the day before she was to start a new job there. Casi L. Biggiam, 27, is charged with retail theft.

Biggiam was arrested March 14, the day she was to report for work at Plato’s Closet, Naperville police said. The store is in the Naper West Plaza, across from the Westfield Fox Valley mall in Aurora.

What was her shoplifting technique? It’s probably one resale shops have seen before.

Police said Biggiam went to the shop about 5:30 p.m. March 13 to sell articles of used clothing and accessories. A red Coach purse was one of the items Biggiam allegedly presented to a clerk. After being given the total of what the store would pay for her goods, Biggiam said she would keep the handbag and accept payment for the other items, police said.

As crimes go, not too stupid, accept for the part about returning to the scene of the crime.

Employees contacted police after determining the purse had been part of their inventory. Police said Biggiam had stolen the bag, which had been on display in the shop.

As for how that first day went …

A police officer and store management confronted Biggiam the next day, when she reported to work for the first time, police said.

Here’s the source.

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Angry%20mad%20judge%20evil%20bad%20mean.gifReverend John Dear and 8 others “occupied the elevator of Sen. Pete Domenici’s Santa Fe office for more than five hours” in 2006, per the The Albuquerque Tribune. They were protesting the Iraq War. They remained in the elevator because they were denied access to the Senator’s third-floor office.

Keep in mind that Reverend Dear was recently nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize and the Gandhi Peace Prize. U.S. District Court Judge Don Svet was unimpressed. Said Dear to the court:

“This war is unjust, morally sinful and just downright impractical,” he said.

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Maybe this won’t help Johns everywhere, but 9 Johns in Pennsylvania had a real good day. The “Johns” The Juice is referring to are the customers of prostitutes. What’s the cause for celebration? As reported by,

Riegelsville’s Craig Cardone and 8 others, accused of soliciting prostitutes, are getting their cars back. The should never have been seized in the first place. Easton’s childish and petty ordinance only added insult to injury.

You can read more (very little) here.

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You’ve had a bad banking experience. We all have. Call him crazy, but The Juice is guessing this is not how you dealt with it. As reported by

A customer at a bank in Palm Coast got a unpleasant surprise this morning at the bank’s drive-through.

This is truly a gross understatement.

A male customer of the RBC Bank apparently urinated in a bank tube Wednesday morning after he was told he couldn’t purchase a money order, sheriff’s deputies report. Later, another customer arrived and the urine spilled onto her and her car.

Sheriff’s deputies said the customer suspected of urinating in the tube pulled into the drive-through around 8:50 a.m. and asked if they sold money orders. When he was told no, he became upset and mumbled something about bad customer service, deputies said.

A bank employee told deputies that a short time later, another customer pulled into the same drive-through lane. The customer said that there was liquid in the tube and that it smelled like urine.

Don’t open that …

The customer then picked the tube up, and the liquid spilled onto her and her car. The bank employee took the tube and also determined it was urine.

… tube! Nasty. And didn’t the perp teach that bank a lesson? Brilliant. Any charges?

Deputies are working to identify the culprit, who could face a second-degree misdemeanor charge.

Here’s the source.

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It’s hard finding work in this economy. But the economy had nothing to do with this gent not getting a job with the sheriff’s department in Warren County, Mississippi. That would have been due to the outstanding warrant for his arrest! Per The Herald Tribune (Florida):

Authorities say Ronald Wade walked into a sheriff’s department in Mississippi to apply for a job as a jailer.

So, after the routine background check – whoa there buddy!

Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace said the 31-year-old Wade was wanted in Florida on a warrant for driving under the influence-manslaughter.

Pace said Wade had been involved in a wreck in Manatee County, but was never arrested on the charge. The initial background check revealed the warrant for his arrest. Deputies arrested Wade on Wednesday.

That’s one tough collar right there. Mr. Wade waived extradition and was sent back to Florida. Here’s the source.

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It’s unlikely you’ll ever read another story like this. An inmate trying to stop guards from fighting? Actually, there’s a simple explanation: the dude liked the guards. As reported by The Buffalo News:

An inmate at the Erie County Correctional Facility lost a tooth last week when he intervened in a fight between two corrections officers scrapping over a bag of chips, prison personnel told The Buffalo News.

A bag of chips?!

[Undersheriff Mark] Wipperman said the disagreement began over “what appears to be the dissemination of food products.” A source familiar with the event said a bag of potato chips somehow sparked the fight. He asked to remain unidentified because he lacks permission to disclose information about the facility.

Wipperman said the inmate told internal investigators that he got involved because he likes both officers and didn’t want them to lose their jobs.

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Yup. As Miami Herald reporter Fred Grimm so artfully described it:

Jenne, as sheriff and chief jailer in Broward County, has launched a crackdown on self-abusing miscreants. It’s no longer enough to warn hairy-palmed drooling deviants that self-indulgence risks stunted growth, blindness, sallow skin, slackened jaws, amnesia, shrunken testicles, impotence and, for Catholics in particular, eternal damnation. Jenne wants jail time.

So, Terry Alexander, who is serving a 10-year sentence for robbery, was charged with masturbating in his cell. The case was tried, before a jury, who convicted him. Alexander got 60 days tacked on to his time. What a brilliant use of resources. If Sheriff Jenne keeps this up there won’t be any revolving door, because nobody will ever get out!

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No need to think twice about sticking out your tongue, either in the United States, or probably almost everywhere except … Italy. You may not believe this but, as reported by UPI, “Italy’s highest court of appeal affirmed the illegality of insulting someone by sticking your tongue out at them.”

The case brought before the Cassation Court involved a farmer whose tongue gesture was captured by a cellphone camera held by the neighbor with whom he was arguing.

The farmer, Carlo O., had been convicted by a justice of the peace of insulting the neighbor, the Italian news agency ANSA reported.

The Cassation Court let stand the conviction and ordered Carlo O. to pay his neighbor’s court costs of $1,863.81. He will also have to pay damages, which will be set in a different trial, the news agency said Friday.

Italian courts often find people guilty of offending someone’s honor, ANSA reported.

Wow. And to think the U.S. insurance and business lobbies complain endlessly about frivolous lawsuits…

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There’s nothing wrong with grown men liking toys, be they iPhones, sports cars, or … plastic action figures … A man in Japan was perhaps a little too attached to his toys, based on what he did when his mommy threw some of them away. As reported in the Japan Times:

A man charged with torching his home in Kasai, Hyogo Prefecture, admitted Tuesday he did it out of anger because his mother threw away some of his plastic figures from the “Gundam” animation franchise.

Oh, they were “Gundam” action figures? Now it all makes sense!

“Plastic figures of Gundam are like my life partners. I thought I would rather burn to death with them than have them thrown away,” said Yoshifumi Takabe, 30, who pleaded guilty as his trial began at the Kobe District Court. Nobody was injured in the blaze [although his mom was in the house!].

Takabe told the court he piled 200 to 300 boxes of Gundam plastic figures up to near the ceiling in his room.

Very uncool, especially since his little brother, mother and grandmother also lived in the 2-story house he torched . Here’s the source.

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Needless to say, you won’t get flush working at the Rockaway, New Jersey Dunkin Donuts, even on the night shift, unless … As reported at

Melissa Redmond, 29, of Mine Hill, was arrested after a six week investigation known as “extra sugar” that began when police got a tip that people could go to the Dunkin Donuts on Route 46 and arrange a liason with Redmond.

First reaction: Seriously, when resources are stretched so thin everywhere, the police spent SIX WEEKS on this? OMFG! Second reaction: “extra sugar”? Brilliant! But back to the intrigue…

“I had gotten an anonymous tip,” Detective Sgt. Kyle Schwarzmann, who led the investigation. “She was a night time employee (working 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.), supposedly a very good one.’’

Schwarzmann began gathering information and doing surveillance at the scene. He noticed on multiple evenings that she would go out to cars to see customers and would spend 10 or 15 minutes there, he said.

“Sometimes I ‘d even see money changing hands,’’ Schwarzmann said, adding that sometimes the cars would stay in the parking lot and other times they would drive to another nearby location.

So, with all of this valuable intel in hand …

An undercover operation was developed wth the assistance of Officer Robert Koehler and Officer Scott Haigh acting as the undercover “John.”


“He went in plain clothes through the drive thru window,’’ Schwarzmann said. “He spoke to her and she said if he wanted a good time to call her and she gave him her phone number.”

Haigh parked in the parking lot and Redmond allegedly came out, approached him and gave him a specific price list for her services.

Haigh returned on another occasion and inquired about her services, was offered a new, and lower, price so he said he needed to go to a bank machine but would return with the money.

When Haigh returned, they drove to the back of the building and the arrest was made. Redmond was then processed, served her complaint and released.

Is it just The Juice (it often is, and he’s fine with that), or does anyone else (other than Ms. Redmond and her “customers”) think this was (and is) a colossal waste of time? Here’s the source.

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