I think we’re dying… We made brownies and I think we’re dead, I really do.
As you might imagine, this sparked an investigation, during which Sanchez resigned.
It wasn’t long, though, before Sanchez cracked. He admitted that, not only had he taken the pot from his car, but he also made the pot brownies! And, per investigators, he admitted to taking the pot “off the street from unknown persons.” Wow. So many laws broken, yet neither Sanchez nor his wife was charged with any crime! It’s not over yet, though. Said Dearborn Councilman Doug Thomas, who said he will investigate the matter further:
If you’re a cop and you’re arresting people and you’re confiscating the marijuana and keeping it yourself, that’s bad. That’s real bad. That’s like apprehending a bank robber and keeping some of the money for yourself.