Florida resident Charris Bowers is no Lorena Bobbitt, but that’s probably not much consolation to husband Delou Bowers, who has teeth marks on his … What went down (sorry) depends on who you believe. As reported by The Orlando Sentinel: According to a sheriff’s office report, the Bowerses had been…
Legal Juice
Er. Um. Sorry.
Seriously, I thought you were someone else … As reported by The Arkansas Times: Best reason not to work under your car In August, a Springdale man, angry at his girlfriend, went to the trailer park where she lived, saw her doing some mechanical work under a jacked-up car, kicked…
This Former State Department Officer REALLY Dislikes Arabs
As reported in The Huffington Post, Patrick Syring, a former State Department foreign service officer, really, really dislikes Arabs and the Arab American Institute. (He’s been indicted for threatening the staff at the Arab American Institute.) Here are a few voice-mails and e-mails: [Voice mail to the Institute:] Hello, I’m…
Bungling Burglars
Check out these fellas, as reported by The Arkansas Times: Worst dillweeds Several people were arrested in April and charged in a series of burglaries in the Hillcrest section of west Little Rock after they pawned a digital camera that contained pictures of them displaying and bragging about all the…
Doctor Used WHAT To Power His Car?
I immediately thought of “Fight Club” when I read this story. As reported by Forbes.com: For a time, Beverly Hills doctor Craig Alan Bittner turned the fat he removed from patients into biodiesel that fueled his Ford SUV and his girlfriend’s Lincoln Navigator. Quoting Fawn Leibowitz’s “Animal House” friends, “Ewwwwww!”…
This Is How You Behave At – And After – The Christmas Party?
Englishman Elliot Carnell caught one hell of a break. After drinking 15 pints of beer at a Christmas party, Carnell punched his ex-wife’s Sri Lankan boyfriend in the head – 6 times! Oh, and he hit his ex-wife and her daughter when they tried to stop him. Carnell copped to…
Victim Kills Co-Burglar, And Burglar Gets Life In Prison?
Straight from Judge in the case, as reported by The Palm Beach Post: “This case presents the strangest facts and set of circumstances that I’ve witnessed in my 28 years as a lawyer,” Circuit Judge Jorge Labarga said as he sentenced Dean to life in prison. So what happened? ……
They Killed Frosty!
Actually, “Snowzilla” is the real name of the 16-foot snowman in question. Some families in Anchorage, Alaska began building him in 2005. He was a huge hit. Per The Anchorage Daily News: It was just a few years ago that 16-foot-tall Snowzilla arose in a residential yard in Airport Heights,…
How Do You Really Punish Noisy Teen Rockers?
Beyond a reasonable doubt, this violates the 8th Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment. Seems that Colorado Judge Paul Sacco was tired of seeing the same rockers in his courtroom for noise violations. It was obvious to him that the fines were not a deterrent. So he came up…
A Police Officer And A Cow?
Yes, you read that correctly. A police officer and a cow. As reported by CBS.com, a Bulington County, New Jersey police officer has been charged with … …four counts of animal cruelty after allegedly engaging in sex acts with cows between June and December of 2006. June through December? Oh…