Like many shoppers before him, Mr. Walter Tessier walked into a grocery store (in Amsterdam, New York) and bought a lobster. He later returned to the store claiming that the lobster was bad, and exchanged it for a bag of king crab legs. So whatsamatta? Just this: the lobster shell…
Legal Juice
Tenure Is Awesome! Just Ask This Teacher …
The headline from the story by WXYZ in Detroit sums it up nicely: “Teacher By Day, Inmate By Night.” For 30 days anyway, when Mr. Donald Colpaert is not teaching social studies to middle schoolers in Macomb County, he’s in jail. Here’s an exchange between WXYZ reporter Heather Catallo and…
Sure, It’s Great To Stay Connected With Your Kids As They Grow Up …
A mom in Lincoln, Nebraska went a bit too far. She drove her 12-year-old and 6 other kids (3 who are 12,and 3 who are 13) to a 7th grade English teacher’s house, which they proceeded to TRASH as follows: Using toilet paper, syrup, adhesive tape, dishwashing soap and eggs,…
Memo To Judge: “This Is Bullshit”
That’s what Natasha Riley, not pleased with the way things were going for her client, said to Judge Mangano in the Brooklyn Family Court during a custody proceeding. But Judge Mangano would have the last laugh. Because most lawyers aren’t dumb enough to address a judge that way [even if…
Teacher’s Abscence Definitely Not Excused
How come nothing this exciting ever happened in my school? If they didn’t already know about prostitutes, students at the Western Intermediate School in Bellefontaine, Ohio now do, courtesy of fourth grade teacher Amber Carter. And yes, “Amber” is her real name. As reported by The Columbus Dispatch: The principal…
Not Your Average Armed Robbery
This guy must have had some seriously sore feet. As reported by the South Florida Sun Sentinel: The allure of foot relief may have been too much for a thief who held off a Wal-Mart guard with a pen knife as he fled with a stolen tube of foot cream,…
Just Two Drinks? Really? And You Said What To The Police – On Video?
Connecticut Judge E. Curtissa Cofield said she had one beer and one mixed drink three hours before her blood alcohol level came in at .17, more than twice the legal limit. What do you think she would say if someone made the same claim in her courtroom? As reported in…
Giving Burglars A Bad Name …
Here’s what Andrew Allen admitted stealing from a home in Blackpool, England, per the Blackpool Gazette: “He stole a dustpan and brush, a cat basket, a trowel and lawn feeder, a basket with tools and a gardening glove.” Street value – £51 ($75 US)! Dude, why? In a nutshell: Methadone,…
Banned, Convicted Sexual Assaulting Hypnotherapist Awarded Damages For Distress And Anxiety
I will forever think of this case when I hear anything about the European Court of Human Rights. As reported by The Argus: [Hypnotherapist Imad Al-Khawaja] was convicted in 2004 of indecently assaulting two women, then aged 20 and 47, while they were hypnotised. Al-Khawaja was handed consecutive 12-month and…
What’s Up, Doc?
Maybe I’ve seen too many “Nip/Tuck” commercials recently, but wouldn’t you think that the plastic surgeon who specialized in breast enhancement would be the one who left his spouse and was asking for a divorce? Such was not the case with former New Hampshire doctor James Kartell. As reported by…