One would think it goes without saying that perhaps the first rule of robbing a bank (other than not getting caught at the scene) is to not allow yourself to be identified, be it by a surveillance camera, fingerprints, a wallet … A wallet? Yes, Albert Vincent Perkins allegedly robbed…
Legal Juice
Chuck Norris Is In The Protection Business?
No, it’s not the “give us cash to protect yourself from us” kind of protection. Without even being there, Chuck Norris has singlehandedly ended a series of break-ins at a bakery in Split, Croatia. From the Croatian Times: Store bosses have seen off burglars by placing a life-sized photo of…
So You’re Just Sitting In The Courtroom …
You’re Benjamin J. Marchant, and you’re just sitting in a courtroom in Dickson County, Tennessee. You haven’t done anything, other than give a ride to a friend who does have some business before the court. And what did Judge Durwood G. Moore do to Mr. Marchant? From a decision by…
Community Service In 4-Inch Heels?
So this woman (no, that’s not her, but I could you resist using that picture?) crashed her car and refused a breathalyzer test. For her crime, she was sentenced to 80 hours of community service. Apparently nobody anticipated that she would show up for the community service in 4-inch heels.…
Another Jury Duty Slacker, And His Dog’s Testicles …
Regular readers know that the Juice is not fond of folks who try to weasel out of jury duty. But this is one of the more idiotic methods I’ve seen employed (but did it work?). As reported by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle: Erik Slye, a Belgrade auto painter in his…
Judge DROPS The F-bomb – Constructively, Of Course
Oh no you didn’t just drop the f-bomb in court, Lord Justice Nicholas Wall. He did, to make a point. As reported by the Sun: Lord Justice Nicholas Wall used the words of English poet Philip Larkin to stress the devastating impact on children when couples keep warring after they…
Yes, I Know Spitting Is Gross, But …
Should spitting really be criminalized? “Yes,” said the powers that be in Cincinnati. Here’s a law that was passed in 2006 as part of the “Neighborhood Quality of Life Unified Code” Sec. 1601-27. Spitting in a Public Place. No person shall spit upon any sidewalk, street, highway, alley, the floor…
How’s The Tumidity There?
Tumid? Seriously, does anyone know what “tumid” means? Some legislators did, because they put it in Section 3303.14 of the Columbus (Ohio) Code: “Nude” or “state of nudity” means a state of dress or undress that exposes to view: … 2. Human male genitals in a discernibly tumid state, even…
You Call That A Burglary?
I guess technically it’s a burglary, since the home was broken into, and something was stolen. But really, jellybeans? And nothing else? As reported by the Erie Times News: Police said the burglar broke the window in the front door of a home in the 12000 block of East Lake…
Not The Most Romantic Place For Intimicay
Sure, everyone has either heard about, or engaged in, a love tumble in a strange place or two. But, as Maxwell Smart often said to the Chief, “would you believe” a couple in British Columbia was caught having sex IN A GARBAGE TRUCK!? As reported in the Courier Mail, there…