Although he had examined the patient several times in 2002 and 2003, the doctor failed to notice that his patient had a 32 pound cyst! What did he tell her? Per the Otago [New Zealand] Daily Times online, that … …she was overweight and prescribed weight-loss pills. Wrong. Very wrong.…
Legal Juice
Toilet Tissue Tax Tiff
Oh no you didn’t K-Mart. You didn’t just charge Mary Bach tax on that toilet paper. Everybody knows that, unlike other paper goods, toilet paper is not taxed in Pennsylvania. No, Ms. Bach is not making a federal case out it – just a teeny, tiny $100 state court case.…
Would You Sue Your Mom?
If you blamed your mom for severing your pinky, would you sue her? A contractor in New Jersey did. As reported at In 2006, John P. Garrity was installing hardwood floors for his mother, Nancy, when the accident occurred, according to court papers. While working with a miter saw…
Can You Have Your Pot And Eat It Too?
Sort of. A 17-year-old Washington student stood before his class and presented his essay on why marijuana should be legalized. And? Oh no you didn’t… Per The News Tribune: At the end of his speech … [he] pulled out a joint, lit it and smoked away. Then he ate the…
A Helping Hand For Possible Jumper On Bridge?
I guess it depends on what you mean by “helping.” If you mean helping the possible jumper – who had been standing on the bridge for hours – make up his mind, then yes, Lai Jiansheng provided a helping hand to Chen Fuchao. Lai approached Chen and shook his hand,…
Dad Picks Wrong Woman To Be His Son’s “First”
It should go without saying that every kid ought to hear “the talk” from his parents. But a 42-year-old British dad apparently wanted to go the extra mile for his 14-year-old son – by hooking him up (sorry) with a prostitute! Alas, the woman dad approached was … a cop!…
Drunk People Make Bad Decisions
Here’s a very good example, per It was a day that kept getting worse for a Terre Haute man who put his car in a ditch and then tried to get it out with a “borrowed” tractor. When officers arrived, they discovered a large farm tractor and car in…
Maybe Things Aren’t Going Well With Your Employer, But …
Warning: Do not read this right before, or after, eating, because it’s really, really gross. Okay, here it goes, per The Standard, “China’s Business Newspaper” A domestic helper has appeared in court accused of trying to injure her employer by mixing her menstrual blood in a pot of vegetables she…
Think This Poor Kid Has ANY Sober Relatives?
A 1-year-old boy was waiting for a relative to pick him up at the police station in Schererville, Indiana because his mom was busted for drunk driving. So his dad drove to the station to get him, only he was drunk too, and was also busted for drunk driving. So…
If You’re Growing Weed, Think Twice About Having Burglar Alarm …
Dr. Alfredo Gonzalez, of Cape Cod, Massachusetts, learned this the hard way. While the doc was out, his burglar alarm went off. The police responded and, while searching for a burglar, instead found a $4,000 “BloomBox,” and seven marijuana plants. Doh! And guess where doctor Gonzales works? He directs a…