Maybe you can get away with giving a fake name to the cops for a little while, but in this day and age, not for long. Although in this case, technology was not even a factor. From the Murfreesboro (Tennessee) Post: When most people get pulled over by Murfreesboro’s finest…
Legal Juice
Total Insanity From Italian Judges
So, how can a 34-year-old man, who admitted to a four-month-long sexual relationship with a 13-year-old girl not see the inside of a cell? He was originally sentenced to 3 years but, on appeal, the court reduced the sentence to 1 year and 4 months. Why? The court concluded there…
Think Twice Before Calling This Woman “Fat”
Although words can cause a lot more pain than a physical injury, a 21-year-old man who called a woman “fat” might disagree. As reported by the Lincoln [Nebraska] Journal Star: Police say a 24-year-old man is missing a chunk of his right ear that was bitten off by a woman…
Do You Want To Be A Policeman, Or Do You Want To Be “Big”?
So you’ve always wanted to be a police officer. And, you’ve always wanted to be a little, um, bigger. Turns out you can’t satisfy both of your wants, at least if you live in Papua, Indonesia. Why not? As reported in the Jakarta Globe: An applicant “will be asked whether…
Sometimes You Have To Fight. But This?
It’s an age-old story: two girls are involved with the same dude. What to do … Conclude that they should both dump this two-timer? No. Go to the dude and tell him he has to choose between them? No. Flip a coin? Arm wrestle? First come, first serve? No, no…
This Is What You Get For Being A Good Samaritan?
A Good Samaritan in New York intervenes in a mugging and gets stabbed. As he is lying on the sidewalk bleeding to death, more than 20 people pass by him, and do nothing. Strike that. One guy did take pictures with his cell phone. It’s just wrong that the one…
What Can Happen To You If You Don’t Hold The Door Open For A Lady?
The Juice is a believer in some old-fashioned notions, like men holding the elevator door open for women. Too bad a fellow in Boston, Mohammed Warsame, is not likeminded. Here’s why, as reported by The Boston Herald: A Roxbury man was slopped with a plate of pasta, punched, kicked, spit…
So, You’re Sure He Was Black?
Are you sure about that? As reported at Police had put out an appeal for information on a black robber after six strikes on banks and pharmacies in the space of a month. After a tip-off police tracked down 30-year-old Conrad Zdierak – trouble was though he was white.…
Lookout, Cuz Barbie Is Pissed!
So MCA Records put out a song called “Barbie Girl.”(If you haven’t heard the song, lucky you. Not only does it SUCK, it becomes stuck in your head.) Anyway, it doesnt’ paint poor little Barbie in the best light, so Mattel sued MCA for using Barbie’s name without permission. MCA…
Liking The Sound Of Your Own Voice Is One Thing … But This?
You can’t go through life without encountering folks who just plain like to hear themselves talk. I can deal with that. But what about people who just plain like to hear other people say … “ouch” … and don’t mind making it happen? Per WSAU in Wisconsin: A 41-year-old woman…