
Legal Juice


If A Man Could Suffer A Greater Humiliation, Name It!

There’s not enough money in the world … Per The Courier & Mail: French police say they have arrested a 63-year-old woman who was leading her 40-year-old companion along a busy shopping street by a leash attached to his exposed penis. The couple were detained on Wednesday afternoon in the…


Seriously? A Motion To Continue A Trial For That?

Regular Juice readers may recall that this will not be the first post involving a Motion to Continue a trial due to … a football game! I’m sure it won’t be the last, unfortunately. And just in case you think that maybe The Juice just doesn’t like football … He…


Please, Tell Me You Didn’t File A Lawsuit Over That

No! I told you not to tell me that! As reported by The Cincinnati Enquirer: The 88-year-old Blue Ash woman arrested after refusing to give a 13-year-old neighborhood boy his football back after it landed in her yard has sued the youth’s parents, alleging emotional distress. Don’t laugh. This is…

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