Either these gents did an amazing job with their make-up and clothes, or their pursuer was looking through some mega-thick beer goggles, or both. Regardless, he could’ve handled the discovery that the ladies were gents a little better. As reported by The Marco Eagle: Josue A. Hernandez, 27, of an…
Legal Juice
If A Man Could Suffer A Greater Humiliation, Name It!
There’s not enough money in the world … Per The Courier & Mail: French police say they have arrested a 63-year-old woman who was leading her 40-year-old companion along a busy shopping street by a leash attached to his exposed penis. The couple were detained on Wednesday afternoon in the…
Perhaps The Most Idiotic Traffic Ticket Ever?
Crime must be down in Strathclyde (Scotland). Why? Because police there apparently have nothing better to do than to give a man a ticket for blowing his nose! And his car was stopped! As reported by Sky News: Michael Mancini had stopped his van in traffic and wiped his nose…
Time To Find A New Boyfriend?
It was not a good night for this young lady, who will most likely be looking for a new boyfriend. As reported by the Colorado Springs Police Department: February 10, 2011 Time: 2:28:00 AM Division: Stetson Hills Title: Disturbance Summary: Officers were sent to a residential area in close proximity…
Going To The Well … Three Times Too Often?
If this dude is a sports fan, here’s guessing that his favorite cliche is the one about running a successful play over and over until the opposing team stops it. Now, It may be useful in sports, but in crime? Not so much. Especially crimes against property … As reported…
If You Want Your Son To Ever Stop Playing Xbox, DO NOT LET HIM READ THIS
If you have a son, or know someone who has a son, or have even a tenuous connection to popular culture, then you know how many young males play Xbox LIVE. (It allows gamers to play with other gamers, online, and to talk with each other.) So, why did The…
Play With Fire, Get Burned – Play With A Gun …
The Juice is confident this kid wishes he was just playing with matches and burned himself. Why? Because, while playing with a gun, he shot himself in the … As reported by The Orlando Sentinel: An Orlando teen begged police to call an ambulance late Saturday after shooting himself in…
Lady, You Stole The Wrong Snow Shovel
Under virtually any scenario, this lady would have gotten away with stealing (not borrowing – she didn’t return it) a neighbor’s shovel to dig out her car after the Chicago snowstorm. Unfortunately for her, the gent she stole the shovel from is in the video equipment business (think “surveillance cameras”…
Seriously? A Motion To Continue A Trial For That?
Regular Juice readers may recall that this will not be the first post involving a Motion to Continue a trial due to … a football game! I’m sure it won’t be the last, unfortunately. And just in case you think that maybe The Juice just doesn’t like football … He…
Please, Tell Me You Didn’t File A Lawsuit Over That
No! I told you not to tell me that! As reported by The Cincinnati Enquirer: The 88-year-old Blue Ash woman arrested after refusing to give a 13-year-old neighborhood boy his football back after it landed in her yard has sued the youth’s parents, alleging emotional distress. Don’t laugh. This is…