
If You’re Not Ready For The Test …

Kids, if you’re not ready for the test, do NOT go down this road. As reported by Northland’s News Center:

A school in Duluth received quite the scare Monday.

Around noon, the Nettleton Magnet School was evacuated after a 911 call claimed that someone was shot on the campus.

“It was apparent that within several minutes or so that it appeared no one was injured no students were injured a teacher was not shot so the investigation is ongoing at this point.” Assistant Duluth Superintendent Joe Hill says parents were kept in the loop in regards to what had happened. “We are utilizing the districts communication plan right now to get the call out to parents students will be going home with letters explaining the situation as well.”

The students were eventually let back in to the school.

The Duluth Police department is still conducting an investigation into the prank call.

Be scared, prankster. Be very scared.

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