
If You Aren’t Married – Keep Your Distance

Check this out, from The New Straits Times (Malaysia):

SEBERANG JAYA: A 35-year-old man involved in alleged khalwat (close proximity) found himself stuck on the roof of a house before he was arrested.

The man had earlier tried to evade a raid by the state Religious Affairs Department by jumping from an apartment unit in Jalan Tuna into an adjacent house at 3.30am on Thursday.

State Islamic Religious Affairs Department assistant operation chief Ibrahim Md Jaki said, however, the man’s legs were stuck among the roof tiles after he jumped from the third floor of the apartment.

Ibrahim said the man tried to regain entry into the apartment by clinging to the balcony railings, but could not do so.

“We had no choice but to summon the Fire and Rescue Department personnel to rescue him.” The team also detained the man’s girlfriend who had locked herself inside a room in the apartment.

Yes, it was a raid by the “Religious Affairs Department.” So what exactly is “khalwat?”

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