This man, just convicted of sexual battery and facing 20 years to life, just walks right out of the courtroom, and the courthouse? Yup. As reported by The Times-Picayune: Orleans Parish Sheriff Marlin Gusman said his office is reviewing just how a freshly convicted sex offender simply walked out of…
Articles Posted in Yikes
Sleeping It Off? Generally A Good Idea, But …
Generally, when you get plastered, it’s a good idea to just sleep it off. Ah, but it’s very important where you chose to do so. Just ask this gent from Kentucky. As reported by (Louisville, KY): According to the arrest slip, around 6:30 a.m. Saturday police responded to reports…
Oh You’re Going To Give Me That Sweet And Sour Sauce
Even if you like sweet and sour sauce, ain’t no way you like it as much as this Washington State man. As reported by The Highline Times: A man entered a fast food restaurant at the 14800 block of 4th Ave. S.W. asking for some condiments. The clerk told him…
If You’re Wondering Why This Guy Is Shirtless In His Mug Shot …
What’s the big deal? It was 4:00 a.m. for goodness sake. Can’t a fella go out for a little stroll without getting busted? Well, there is at least one prerequisite to taking that stroll … As reported by … the suspect, 21-year-old Kerry Joseph Jasiak of Myrtle Beach, was…
How Drunk Was He?
The Juice thinks this breathalyzer must be busted. Why? Because this dude blew way too low considering the circumstances. As reported by The Tampa Bay Times: The deputy saw sparks and smoke coming from Kevin Blazer’s Lexus just after 1 a.m. Wednesday and pulled the car over on Little Road…
A Very Strange Condition For Granting Bail
Just what was the condition imposed by Judge Tom Broadmore for granting bail to Mr. Ben Hana (who was charged with cannabis possession and obscene exposure)? That he wear underwear. For real. Per The Dominion Post, it seems that Mr. Hana is “… well known around Wellington [New Zealand] as…
You Offered What For Those McNuggets?
What would you do for some nuggies? Definitely not what a California woman was willing to do, as reported by Khadijah Baseer of Los Angeles was seen opening customers’ car doors in the McDonald’s drive through at 1700 block of Olive Avenue about 11 p.m. Wednesday, according to the…
Stiffing This Stripper? Bad Idea
The Juice has not had a “booth” dance (uh, yeah, sure, right), but he can’t believe a stripper would give one without getting the cashish first. Well this stripper did, unfortunately for all parties concerned. As reported by A stripper will spend the next nine months in jail for…
Of Course The Judge’s Name Is “Willie”
Hmmm. The Juice was working on this post and thought this name sounded familiar, so he checked the archives of 1,854 Legal Juice posts and found this one about Judge Willie F. Singletary. The story on was now not so surprising. The state Supreme Court yesterday canned Philadelphia Traffic…
All That Over A Cigarette?
If this dude decides to remain in the relationship, he would be well-advised to have a pack of cigarettes on hand at all times, and be willing to share them. As reported by The Morning Call (Allentown): Bethlehem police said a woman went on a rampage Monday night when her…