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“Unlucky” Charms: Husband Accuses Wife Of Using “Black Magic” – Police Investigate

So the police will investigate you if your husband merely claims you are using black magic? Apparently so, at least if you live in Kuwait. As reported by the Arab Times: A Kuwaiti man has filed a complaint with the Adan Police Station accusing his ex-wife of doing black magic.…


The Good News? Man Slows Down After Getting Busted For 105 MPH. The Bad News …

So the dude gets busted for going 105 MPH, and drives slower after that. What’s the bad news? He didn’t slow down quite enough. As reported by The Oregonian: It all began Wednesday morning when a trooper stopped a westbound car hitting 92 mph on Interstate 84, just west of…


Brothers (Age 47 & 55) STILL Can’t Play Nicely. Mom Ends Up In The Hospital.

Fellas, did you not see your old mom sitting there when you started to mix it up? The Juice is guessing this is not the first fight between these two brothers. As reported by the Beaver County Times (Pennsylvania): Police said Terry Wayne Welling, 47, was upset that a dog…

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