Dude could have earned $100 many times over with all the effort he put into trying to collect $100 he claims a woman owes him. As reported at www.phillyburbs.com: A Falls man is accused of sending a woman 75 text messages threatening to set her house on fire, bomb her…
Articles Posted in Yikes
The Family That Drinks Together …
Well, yes, the family that drinks together often does get drunk together. And they do stick together too. As reported by timesonline.com (Beaver, PA): Rochester police said [Jason Dean] Sheets [25] Sheets and John William Moore Jr., 47, also of 300 Jackson St., Apartment 31, were pumping gas at Sheetz…
Stepson Shows His Displeasure With Upcoming Eviction In A Novel Way
This young man may have done his stepfather a favor by expediting his own eviction, albeit in a mean and uncool manner. As reported by The Tampa Bay Times: Jorge Jonathan Cruz-Blanco [19 years old] was mad because he knew the eviction notice was coming, his stepfather told deputies, according…
Appropriately, This Gent Was The “Vice” Mayor
Have you ever heard of a charge for DWM? It stands for Driving While … This is some seriously aberrant behavior, and incredibly dangerous. Check out this story from WJHL in Kingsport, TN: Three women testified against former Mount Carmel Vice-Mayor William Blakely, graphically recounting times he exposed himself while…
Apparently God Did Want Him To Be Arrested
Well sir, this young man went on one hell of a tear. As reported by timesonline.com (Beaver, PA): The incident began at 3:47 a.m. March 19 when police were summoned to a father and son dispute at 422 Moore Ave., [Brian Victor] Roppa’s residence. Roppa’s father, unidentified in the report,…
Wait, They Have Surveillance Cameras Watching Us Cashiers? Don’t They Trust Us?
Most folks know there are cameras EVERYWHERE. The US is becoming more like the UK this way with each passing day. Apparently this Florida woman is not aware of the phenomenon. Per the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office: A Charlotte County Sheriff’s deputy arrested a Port Charlotte Target employee Tuesday after…
There Is No Better Place To Have A Fight
Where is the absolute best place for a fight to occur? Think about access to medical care. From The Arab Times: KUWAIT CITY, March 16: Four citizens, including two youths, sustained serious injuries when two families of 30 Kuwaitis engaged in a bloody fight at Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital, reports Al-Qabas…
It’s Generally Not A Good Idea To Call 911 When You’re Lit
In the world of 911 operators, this probably wasn’t even that wacky of a call. Still, it was really stupid. It’s almost like you’d have to be drunk to do something this dumb. Per clickorlando.com: A Brevard County mother was arrested after she called 911 and asked dispatchers to sends…
A Possible DUI?
In this case, The Juice is willing to mete out some instant justice. Guilty! Brought to you by the Colorado Springs Police Department Police Blotter: CSPD received a report of a small SUV driving West in the 1700 Block of Woodman Rd that was weaving all over the roadway. The…
Would It Be Okay To Perform Surgery On Crack?
Surgery is scary enough. I’d like to know that my doctor is certain that operating while on crack would be a bad thing. It’s not that California ear, nose and throat specialist Li Quang Nguyen actually operated while on crack, but check this out, as reported by the OC Register:…