
Articles Posted in Yikes


No Judgment Passed On Weed Or Booze, But Ingesting Some Man-Made Chemical Hallucinogen?

Some people drink. Some people smoke weed. Many folks do both. And then there are those folks who ingest man-made substances of uncertain origins, be it ecstasy, LSD, bath salts or whatever. This The Juice has never understood, because [per The Belleville News-Democrat] something like this can happen to you:…


Aw, Watching The Big Fight With Your Brother-In-Law. How … Um, Never Mind

Sure sounds like a good idea – getting together with your brother-in-law to watch the big fight. From the idea stage to the actual event, things went downhill, as you’ll see from this entry in The Colorado Springs Police Department Blotter: Incident Date: September 15, 2013 Time:1:25:00 AM Division: Stetson…


You Do NOT Want To Ask This Young Lady How The Football Game Was!

Old folks like The Juice, especially (and almost exclusively) men, often quote from Animal House. As Dean Wormer said: “Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life …” When you look at her mug shot, you’ll see that “fat” doesn’t apply. “Drunk” definitely does. As for “stupid,”…

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