Q: Who has ever even heard of “rabbit phobia”? A: All of Germany, and with the help of The Juice, the entire world! As reported by Spiegel Online: In Germany, drawing rabbits on the blackboard can land you in court. A schoolteacher has made nationwide headlines by filing a lawsuit…
Articles Posted in Say What?
Man, Wearing Only Socks, Can’t Find Way Out Of Basement
The Juice is not privy to the events that led up to this bizarre situation. The Juice is quite curious. As reported by The Express-Times: According to court records: Bethlehem police were summoned for a report of a burglary at a home in the 600 block of Pierce Street and…
Man Who Has Seen Too Many Movies Clings To Roof Of Car As It Is Being Stolen
Beginning at the beginning – it’s a hunk of metal, plastic and glass.It can be replaced. A brain splattered all over the pavement can’t. From The Orlando Sentinel: Val Jacques was playing chess at a Christian community center on Central Boulevard in Orlando on Friday afternoon, police say, when he…
Can A Speeding Ticket For 8 MPH Over The Limit Cost You $9,000?
Incredibly it can, and did. Mind you that this happened in Australia, where the loser pays the other side’s court costs. Still … How did it all start? As reported by The Cairns Post: A fixed radar on a police car clocked [Steven Edward ] Osgood [54] driving at 93km/h…
And To Think, It All Started With A Flat Tire …
You’re already having a bad day when you have a flat tire. The next time you get a flat, remember this story, and know that it could have been a LOT worse. It all started when this gent was just fixing his flat tire, and a police officer stopped to…
An Interesting Smuggling Technique
Who would think to look inside bologna for drugs? It’s almost like you’d have to be tipped off … As reported by www.wwwlp.com: 30-year-old Juan Rodriguez of Holyoke was arrested Thursday for allegedly trafficking a kilogram of cocaine worth $100,000. According to the news release from Holyoke Police Postal Inspector…
The Worst Armed Robbery Ever?
Perhaps the first rule of armed robbery is: Make sure the victim can’t identify you. Check this out, as reported by www.wcti12.com: Doris Edwards, 54, is charged with assault, armed robbery and kidnapping. She’s in the Pitt County Jail under $500,000 bond. Last Tuesday, attorney William Wooten told police one…
Hmmm. Which Weapon To Deploy First: A Knife, Or A Flesh-Eating- Bacteria-Infected Penis?
You’re trying to get out of a bad situation. You have at your disposal a knife and … your [alleged] flesh-eating-bacteria-infected penis. Which do you deploy first? Not a tough call, right? Here’s how it played out in a Seattle Radio Shack, as reported by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: According to…
Robber Did What?
It’s just a fact that some folks will complain, whether they have good standing to do so or not. This dude is clearly one of those folks. As reported in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: A man who robbed a Wendy’s at gunpoint Saturday night apparently was so upset with his haul…
Hey, How Did That Get In My Underwear?
It’s fair to say that people generally know what’s in their underwear, and where it came from, right? An Italian gentleman with a wad of a cash in his skivvies couldn’t answer the “where it came from” part, putting him in the soup. As reported at www.couriermail.com.au: British border control…