
Articles Posted in Say What?


You Will NOT Believe This Lawsuit By A Teacher Against A Student

Q: Who has ever even heard of “rabbit phobia”? A: All of Germany, and with the help of The Juice, the entire world! As reported by Spiegel Online: In Germany, drawing rabbits on the blackboard can land you in court. A schoolteacher has made nationwide headlines by filing a lawsuit…


Man Who Has Seen Too Many Movies Clings To Roof Of Car As It Is Being Stolen

Beginning at the beginning – it’s a hunk of metal, plastic and glass.It can be replaced. A brain splattered all over the pavement can’t. From The Orlando Sentinel: Val Jacques was playing chess at a Christian community center on Central Boulevard in Orlando on Friday afternoon, police say, when he…


Hmmm. Which Weapon To Deploy First: A Knife, Or A Flesh-Eating- Bacteria-Infected Penis?

You’re trying to get out of a bad situation. You have at your disposal a knife and … your [alleged] flesh-eating-bacteria-infected penis. Which do you deploy first? Not a tough call, right? Here’s how it played out in a Seattle Radio Shack, as reported by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: According to…


Robber Did What?

It’s just a fact that some folks will complain, whether they have good standing to do so or not. This dude is clearly one of those folks. As reported in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution: A man who robbed a Wendy’s at gunpoint Saturday night apparently was so upset with his haul…

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