
Articles Posted in Odd Cases


Judge In Alaska Said What?

Per the Alaska Supreme Court’s decision, Judge David Landry: made inappropriate sexual comments to female court employees in the workplace. These included a note to a female employee that her “Hillbilly thermometers are distracting”, a note to a court clerk referring to a juror, stating, “I think Ms. _______ wants…


You Can Be Sure These Young Men Won’t Be Snorting Drugs Again

After this experience, it’s hard to imagine any of these young men snorting anything again, EVER. Although they thought they were snorting drugs, turns out they were snorting dogs and a man. Yes, you read that correctly. As reported in The New York Post: Waldo Soroa, 19; Matrix Andaluz, 18;…


Hit In The Face And Not Pressing Charges? You Wouldn’t Either.

You might think that someone is not going to hit you in the face and get away with it. But you probably hadn’t envisioned anything like this. As reported by (Michigan): Two men say assaulted a woman assaulted them with a fish last weekend. Holy mackerel! [Yeah, yeah. You…

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