
Articles Posted in Odd Cases


You Are Not Keeping That Guy In Jail For Chalking The Sidewalk!

Just to be clear, we’re talking about using chalk to write on the sidewalk. In Orlando, that can land you in jail. Really. Just ask Timothy Osmar. As reported by The Orlando Sentinel: Just before Christmas, OPD [Orlando Police Department] arrested 25-year-old Timothy Osmar for “writing or painting advertising matter…


A Man Who Clearly Should Not Have Pets

Does marinating a cat really enhance the flavor? Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. (And please, PETA folks, no more emails. The Juice truly likes animals, especially cats.) Mr. Gary Korkuc was caught literally marinating his cat. Here’s the story, as reported by Buffalo police say officers heard the cat…


So This Is What You Do Because You Think The Ice Cream Truck’s Prices Are Too High?

Have you ever heard of an ice cream truck driver – while parked – getting hurt on the job? Well, you’re about to. And it’s a strange one. As reported by The Salt Lake Tribune: A Taylorsville woman is accused of spraying an industrial-strength cleaning solution in the eyes of…

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