
Articles Posted in Injustice


So, You Arrested & Cuffed This 62-Year-Old Woman Over A Torn Garden Hose?

Okay, The Juice ran out of material, so he just flat-out made this up. Ha! No, loyal readers, sadly this is a true story. From The Toronto Star, we have this story of a tremendous waste of government resources. On a Monday evening in October 2011, 62-year-old Kathryn David returned…


Water Official Lies About Water Safety, And This Is The Punishment?

Please, save your apologies, especially the ones that were part of the judge’s sentence! As reported by The Sun Chronicle (Attleboro & North Attleboro, Massachusetts): A Plainville resident, a former municipal water superintendent, must write an apology to the town where he was once employed and pay to have apologies…


Teacher’s Aide Suspended Because She Wouldn’t Show Superintendent Her Facebook Page!

People do need to have private lives, though at least one school superintendent feels otherwise. He suspended Kimberly Hester, a teacher’s aide, because she wouldn’t show him her Facebook page. Here’s the story, as reported by “It was very mild, no pornography,” she said of the picture she posted…


Maid Canned For “Ruining” Family With Black Magic

If you don’t like the maid, why not just fire her? And if you guessed that this didn’t happen in the US, you’re right. It was in Kuwait. Per the Arab Times: Police have arrested an Asian housemaid for allegedly ‘ruining’ the family of her sponsor through black magic, reports…

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