I can already tell that even The Juice’s loyal readers are raising their eyebrows. Rest assured, though, breasts may be bared in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. True, they are the breasts of transgender males, but tell that to the folks who complained to lifeguards about the “females showing their breasts.” As…
Articles Posted in Extra Pulp
Think Twice Before Calling This Woman “Fat”
Although words can cause a lot more pain than a physical injury, a 21-year-old man who called a woman “fat” might disagree. As reported by the Lincoln [Nebraska] Journal Star: Police say a 24-year-old man is missing a chunk of his right ear that was bitten off by a woman…
So, You’re Sure He Was Black?
Are you sure about that? As reported at metro.uk: Police had put out an appeal for information on a black robber after six strikes on banks and pharmacies in the space of a month. After a tip-off police tracked down 30-year-old Conrad Zdierak – trouble was though he was white.…
Well Take My Clothes And Tie Me To A Tree
The clothes belonged to a woman in Tacoma, Washington. As reported by The News Tribune: A report of a naked woman tied to a tree in the Owen Beach area brought Tacoma police to Point Defiance Park on Tuesday. I’ll bet … A witness called 911 and reported seeing the…
Fields Of Weed? Fuhgeddaboutit.
Why would you grow your weed outside and risk discovery when you can grow it in your house … er houses? As an added bonus, you can grow it year round. That’s exactly what some folks in New Jersey figured. Per nj.com: Police uprooted a multimillion-dollar network of homes used…
Traffic Sign Hijacked, To The Dismay Of Australian Prime Minister
I’m guessing you now know why Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd might care about a traffic sign … Yup, because the sign was reprogrammed to say: KEVIN RUDD SUCKS The Juice is amused. The police, not so much. As reported by The Daily Telegraph: Police are baffled how they did…
Pain. Serious Pain
Getting kicked there hurts. How about getting shot there? A Vallejo teenager allegedly shot himself in the testicles Thursday afternoon, police said. Police said the 17-year-old, whose name is being withheld because he’s a minor, walked into Kaiser Permanente Vallejo Medical Center at about 5:45 p.m. with a gunshot wound.…
Third Time Definitely Not A Charm …
Talk about pushing your luck. This is from the Colorado Springs Police Blotter: Summary: Burglar alarm tripped at 7:25 PM at Dublin address, which is a medical marijuana dispensary. Access made by breaking front, glass door. Suspect gone upon officer arrival. At approximately 7:45 PM a burglary alarm was tripped…
Getting Rid Of A Stupid Law?
The Juice won’t take all the credit. But … it has been reported that the South Carolina legislature is considering repealing an insane law requiring subversives to register with the state (and pay a $5 fee!) “… since bloggers picked up on it …” Here’s The Juice’s post on this…
If You Aren’t Married – Keep Your Distance
Check this out, from The New Straits Times (Malaysia): SEBERANG JAYA: A 35-year-old man involved in alleged khalwat (close proximity) found himself stuck on the roof of a house before he was arrested. The man had earlier tried to evade a raid by the state Religious Affairs Department by jumping…