So Shelley Gallant was approaching the 12-mile mark of the Chicago Marathon when, out of the blue, a man she didn’t know “came out of nowhere” and sucker-punched her in the face! And she crumbled to the ground. She stopped running right? Nope. She sat down, dazed, for about 30…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Streaker Gets Hosed
I’ll call him Fuzzy because, well, I don’t know his name. Since he’s a minor and wasn’t charged with a felony, his name has been withheld. Now technically, Fuzzy didn’t actually “streak” across the Parkland High School (Pennsylvania) gym [during a basketball game!] because he had a sock on his…
Three Generations Of Imbeciles Are Enough
So said Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the United States Supreme Court in a case that blew me away when I first encountered it in law school. The case is Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200 (1927). Virginia passed a law allowing the state to forcibly sterilize certain “mental defectives”…
Talk About Getting A Break …
I’m not saying Florida Judge Jorge Labarga was wrong. I’m just saying that, if 18-year-old Alexandria Severino believes in a higher being, she should now call him “Labarga.” The crimes? Ms. Severino pleaded guilty to 2 counts of trafficking in ecstasy, and one count of trafficking in hydrocodone. The mandatory…
Sometimes, What Goes Around Comes Around
This is one of those times. Remember the New York judge who jailed 46 people because a cell phone went off in his courtroom? (If you don’t, click here. It was outrageous.) Guess what happened to him (Niagra Falls City Court Judge Robert M. Restaino)? He’s gone! He was removed…
Is Husband Really Okay With Cheating Wife?
Yes, because then he could blackmail them! Fifty-year-old San Antonio, Texas lawyer Ted Roberts coaxed some serious cashish from an accountant, a lawyer, and two executives who had the pleasure of Mary Roberts’ company. Old Ted threatened to tell their wives and employers if they didn’t pony up. And pony…
White People, Please Leave The Courtroom
I kid you not. As reported in The Kansas City Star: [Fulton Superior Court Judge Marvin] Arrington asked all white people to leave before he lowered the boom on the defendants, telling them that bad behavior in poor black neighborhoods drags down black advancement. Why did the judge ask all…
Boy Hits Mom On The Head With What?
With a saw. Really. And then he offered her $5 not to call the police! As reported by The Treasure Coast Palm: The altercation happened Wednesday morning in the 1700 block of Wyoming Avenue after James Patrick Fitzgerald and his 41-year-old mother argued as she tried to get him to…
Those Darn Hospital Visiting Rules …
Kauai has got to be one of the coolest places on earth (especially the north shore). It’s definitely the coolest place I’ve ever visited. But even this totally chill tropical paradise has a few rules. For example, when you visit somebody in the hospital, you can’t bring the patient’s horse…
Can You Stalk Someone From The Attic?
Yes indeed. Washington [state] resident Roy “Billy” Day did not appreciate being dumped. So he camped out (literally) in his ex-girlfriend’s attic. (He had a sleeping bag and a fan up there!) He then cut a hole in the ceiling, jumped down and assaulted his ex and her daughter. He…