Now imagine – if you can – a law that both Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann would agree goes too far. That law outlaws throwing snowballs! And the offending municipality is … Grand Forks, North Dakota. Here’s the law: 9-0123. Throwing rocks, snowballs, and other objects. (1) It is unlawful…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Mrs. Kobe, Mrs. Kobe, Mrs. Kobe, Mrs. Kobe
Now, if I titled the post “Vanessa Bryant, Vanessa Bryant ….” would you know who I was talking about? No. But like Prince, Shaq, and Magic, everybody knows who Kobe is. Now they’re also going to know a little more about his wife Vanessa, thanks to a lawsuit filed by…
Kick The Kitty, Anyone?
What? You’ve never heard of “kick the kitty?” Perhaps that’s because it was only recently invented by Nicola Collinson. To see how it’s played, though, you’ll need her cell phone because she made a video of herself doing it on her phone! Or, perhaps you know one of the people…
Do Not Let This Man Near Your Cat
Attention all cats – WARNING: the following story may be disturbing to your kittens. As reported by A man accused of forcing his 7-year-old daughter to stab the family cat by holding a knife in her hand has reached a plea agreement that would send him to prison for…
Hmm. Might Want To Holster That Finger Next Time
I don’t think there’s any doubt that Anthony Vakeva’s bird-flipping days are over. In January 2005, Mr. Vakeva flipped off Mr. Blackwell at a red light. I’m guessing he would have thought twice about doing so had he known that Blackwell was a TRAINED AMATEUR BOXER (with a very short…
Excuse Me. What Did You Just Call Me?
Um, a douchebag. Yeah, I’m sure I wouldn’t be too thrilled if I were featured in a book called “Hot Chicks With Douchebags.” As reported by RadarOnline, Mr. Michael Manelli was pissed enough to file a lawsuit against the publisher and Mr. Jay Louis, the author of the book and…
The King Of Peeping Toms?
If the Guinness folks had a category for peeping toms, there is no doubt that this 46-year-old Canadian man would be in the book. (His name has not been released.) As reported at, he was arrested after “an apparent bungled break and enter.” His real purpose was soon revealed.…
Criminal Doctor Awarded Damages!
I will forever think of this case when I hear anything about the European Court of Human Rights. As reported by The Argus: [Hypnotherapist Imad Al-Khawaja] was convicted in 2004 of indecently assaulting two women, then aged 20 and 47, while they were hypnotised. Al-Khawaja was handed consecutive 12-month and…
So It’s Okay To Invade Brittany Spears’ Privacy?
Remember when a bunch of people at UCLA Medical Center snuck a peak at Brittany Spears’ electronic medical records? No? I didn’t either. Well they did. As reported by California Healthline: The Department of Public Health said 53 employees, including 14 doctors, at UCLA Medical Center breached Spears’ records on…
You’re Wearing Those For Your Community Service?
So this woman (no, that’s not her, but could you resist using that picture?) crashed her car and refused a breathalyzer test. For her crime, she was sentenced to 80 hours of community service. Apparently nobody anticipated that she would show up for the community service in 4-inch heels. She…