You live in Georgia, and you Lose a City Council election (the right to be in the run-off, actually) to a transgender candidate. Naturally (if you’re Georgia Fuller, anyway), you sue for fraud. One small problem, Loser lady, City Coucil Member Michelle Bruce IS AN INCUMBENT. Doh! This doesn’t stop…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Can You Commit A Battery With That?
With what? A fart. Yes, the police charged Clarksburg, West Virginia resident Jose Antonio Cruz with battery for farting on a policeman! As reported in the Charleston Daily Mail: South Charleston police said they were fingerprinting Cruz at police headquarters Tuesday when Cruz moved near Patrolman T.E. Parsons, lifted his…
So, Can You Have Your Weed And Eat It Too?
Well, kind of. A 17-year-old Washington student stood before his class and presented his essay on why marijuana should be legalized. And? Oh no you didn’t… Per The News Tribune: At the end of his speech … [he] pulled out a joint, lit it and smoked away. Then he ate…
It’s Called Jury DUTY For A Reason
British hero policeman Andrew Shovelar is on trial for attacking his former girlfriend, a trial which was only supposed to take 8 days, but had wrapped its third week. What’s the problem, you’re wondering. Well, you see, several of the jurors have to go on holiday. What’s a judge to…
This Law Is Nuts
There is a law in Japan that forbids the importing of photographs showing male genitals. Why would The Juice know this? No, not because of a recent trip to Japan. Because, returning home from a trip abroad, Japanese publisher Takashi Asai was carrying a book of Mapplethorpe photos that he…
Could A Doctor Really Continue Practicing After All This?
If you or I ever try to pull the shit that Tennessee doctor Robert E. Grindstaff admitted to doing, fuhgeddaboudit. While he was in the hospital, here’s what went down, per The Kingsport Times-News: [from August 3 through September 8] unlicensed personnel at Grindstaff’s Pinecrest Family Practice in Johnson City…
So, You Think You’re Job Is Bad?
The Juice suggests that you think again. You are not a “manual scavenger.” As described by writer Sunil Kuksal: The term ‘manual scavenging’ describes the daily work of manually cleaning and removing human feces from dry (non-flush) latrines across India. Workers, mostly women and young boys, are also referred to…
This Is What You To Do A Sock Thief?
That’s probably what Mr. James Dowdy is thinking. Per the Belleville News-Democrat: In 1993, Dowdy received a three-year-prison sentence for attempted burglary after police caught him with a bag of stolen socks. Damn. Three years for that? But wait … [In 1997] … Dowdy was sentenced to six-years in prison…
Did The Judge Really Say That?
Yup. Judge John P. Wulle, of the Clark County, Washington Superior Court, was attending a conference entitled “Planning Your Juvenile Drug Court in Los Angeles in July 2006. I know, skip the details – get to the dirt. Here’s some of what he said, as set forth in the “Stipulation”…
Two Rooms Filled With Weed. You’re Doing Time, Right?
So this dude had 60 pot plants growing in 2 rooms. As luck would have it [bad luck, that is], there was a fire in his apartment building, leading to the discovery of the weed. How much time do you think he’s facing? Zippy. Nada. Squadoosh. Sure he doesn’t have…