No doubt regular Juice readers remember this “Motion for Continuance.” This one is not quite as funny (the bar is now pretty high), but it’s still Juiceworthy. In the Louisiana case of Harrell v. Spencer, et al., defense counsel filed, I shit you not, an “Unopposed Motion To Continue Trial…
Articles Posted in Best Of
A Few Bumps On The Road To Spiritual Perfection
Fifty-year old Jim Nelson had been living in a tent outside a ski resort in British Columbia. After fasting for 60 days to attain spiritual perfection, he bagged it, and went into town. When he reached an upscale home, he threw a rock through the window and made himself at…
The Legal World’s Biggest Beatles Fan?
Why else would the Honorable Gregory Todd (Montana Thirteenth Judicial District, Yellowstone County) issue a Sentencing Memorandum incorporating dozens of Beatles song titles? To read this silly thang in its entirety, click here.
Really? Didn’t The Juice just tell you not to complain about the calzone? But no, you wouldn’t listen. As reported by the Sun Sentinel: Flagler County authorities say a restaurant owner pistol-whipped and beat a customer who complained that his takeout order was incorrect. Joseph Milano, the owner of Goomba’s…
Perhaps The Least Intimate “Place” On Earth
Sure, everyone has either heard about, or engaged in, a love tumble in a strange place or two. But, as Maxwell Smart often said to the Chief, “would you believe” a couple in British Columbia was caught having sex IN A GARBAGE TRUCK!? As reported in the Courier Mail, there…
Can Feet Really Smell THAT Bad?
Do you think a man’s feet can smell so bad that he got kicked out of a university? Yes, and Teunis Tenbrook has been fighting getting the boot (sorry) FOR 10 YEARS! Exactly how a case like this can take 10 years is a mystery to me, but whatever Mr.…
Finding Strange Things In Japanese Bathrooms …
Go into the right bathroom in Japan, and you’ll find an envelope with a note and a 10,000 yen ($116 US) note. So far, the “mystery lavatory man” has left such a gift in 425 bathrooms throughout government offices across Japan. The reason is unknown, although the notes provide a…
Arkansas Oldies But Goodies
For your reading pleasure, here are some choice 2007 legal-related highlights from an article in the Arkansas Times: Worst citation: A Little Rock bicycle rider was cited in May for shouting “Turn on your lights!” as two police cruisers sped past him on Seventh Street near the state Capitol. One…
You Want The Good News First? Or The Bad News?
Okay, the good news: Ontario resident Barry Shell won the lottery, hauling in $4,377,298. The bad news? Per The Toronto Star: … after a smiling Shell, 45, had posed for an OLG [Ontario Lottery and Gaming] photo holding his cheque for $4,377,298, he was arrested outside the building on outstanding…
What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been
Indeed it was for Mark Pannell of Buffalo, New York. Here’s how his day went, as reported by The Buffalo News: … at about 8:45 a.m. Saturday … deputies stopped Pannell’s car on Grand Island Boulevard near Staley Road for what is being described as minor traffic violations. Okay. A…