Now, dear, don’t be … oh my! He is driving backwards – down the highway! As reported by (Washington State): Police arrested a driver Thursday night who was cruising along Interstate 5 — in reverse. The 41-year-old man drove at least three miles backward on Interstate 5 before his…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Oh No You Didn’t Just Crash That Funeral, Did You?
Son of a biscuit! She did crash that funeral. As reported by According to a[n] incident report, Nicole Leonard walked into the church while the funeral was going on and started dancing near the casket. Sure, that’s weird, but read on. The report said that Leonard then started waving…
Does Nasty, Belittling Judge Get His Due?
You be the judge. Over a period of years, Florida Judge Sheldon Schapiro engaged in the following conduct [which he admitted to in a Stipulation submitted to the Court] which is set forth in the Florida Supreme Court’s opinion. A motorcyclist killed a child and fled the scene. At the…
Not For The Dentally Squeamish
<img alt="dentist_patient_nightmare.jpg" src="/files/2013/09/dentist_patient_nightmare-thumb.jpg" width="280" height="376" align = "left" Let’s say you’re in a car crash, and you go to see your dentist. It must be bad because, in one day, the dentist performs SEVEN root canals! Now see if you can guess how many should have been done. NONE! Oh,…
Suffice It To Say That The Judge Did NOT Like The Complaint
How long was the Complaint filed by a Vancouver, Washington attorney against GMAC Mortgage, et al.? 465 pages! You probably won’t be surprised to hear that the Defendants filed a Motion for a More Definite Statement (in laymen’s terms, “What?”). Here’s a paragraph from the Complaint. Do you think Judge…
“Oh Sh*t!” Attorney Says: That Coat With The Cocaine And Marijuana … It’s Not Mine!
Whatever you do, make sure you don’t grab Mr. Green’s raincoat! Mr. Ryan, an Illinois attorney, was on his way into the courthouse. As described by the court (Mr. Ryan is the “Respondent”): Deputy Kennealy, who was assigned to first-floor security at the Daley Center during May of 1999, testified…
Too “Ellen” For The Job?
Sorry, but it’s that “Ellen” thing. That’s essentially why Heartland Inns of America fired Brenna Lewis, according to Ms. Lewis. But Ms. Lewis may have the last word, as reported by Courthouse News Service. An Iowa hotel clerk who describes herself as “slightly more masculine” can sue her former employer…
Kapow! Judge Walton Spanks Scooter’s Pals
Do not trifle with Judge Reggie Walton of the United States Court for the District of Columbia. He will let you have your say. Rest assured, though, that you’re going to hear what he has to say too. When 12 of Scooter Libby’s pals asked for the court’s permission to…
Please Tell Me You Didn’t Put A Clear Plastic Bag Over Your Head And Rob That Joint
Didn’t I just tell you not to tell me that? But no, you just couldn’t resist! As reported by A robber wearing a transparent plastic bag over his head has held up a service station on the Gold Coast. Pure genius. Police said the man entered the BP service…
Hey! This Diet Sucks!
So, as a result of this diet, you’ve gone from 413 pounds to 308 pounds in 8 months. Awesome, right? Not according to much-lighter Broderick Lloyd Laswell. Not only is he not pleased, he filed suit against the responsible parties – his jailers in Benton County, Arkansas (the Sheriff and…