When you think of a crime spree, don’t you think of a string of similar crimes? Irishman Richard William O’Flynn, in Australia on a 2-year visa, defied convention with his spree. As reported by livenews.com.au: His most bizarre act was to take a goldfish into a Ticketek office in the…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Well, So Much For “No Cussing Week”
No offense to the kid who started all of this “no cussing” hullabaloo, but really, has the word “shit,” by itself, ever hurt anyone? Right. What about “You’re fat” or “You’re ugly” or “You’re stupid?” Off the soapbox, though, and on to Mr. Anthony Ruano. Seems that young Mr. Ruano…
Twist And Shout? Twist – Sure. Shout? Not So Much, At Least In This South Carolina Town
All you regular readers know that The Juice is not a big fan of Big Brother. Like-minded Juicegoers probably won’t be too fond of this proposed ordinance now pending in Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina: Sec. 14-15G. Yelling, shouting, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to yell, shout, hoot,…
Writing U.S. Attorney A Letter On Toilet Paper? Bad Idea
A Texas Inmate named George Morgan filed a habeas petition, which the state moved to dismiss. This didn’t sit well with Mr. Morgan. So he wrote a note to assistant U.S. attorney Susan San Miguel on toilet paper. What did the note say? As reported by Courthouse News Service: “Dear…
Are You Really Banning The Movie For That?
A crushing blow has been dealt to schoolboys throughout the Indian State of Andhra Pradesh by it’s highest court. The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Friday barred the release of a controversial Telugu movie after it allegedly inspired a Warangal schoolteacher to elope with her student. The ruling came on…
A Judge Who Really Digs The Doctor – Seuss, That Is
New Hampshire Federal Judge James R. Muirhead was not amused (okay, he was really amused) when prisoner Charles Wolff included a hard-boiled egg with his request for a better diet. Here is what the Judge had to say, in an Order issued about the filing of the egg: No fan…
Perhaps The Most Idiotic Traffic Ticket Ever?
Crime must be down in Strathclyde (Scotland). Why? Because police there apparently have nothing better to do than to give a man a ticket for blowing his nose! And his car was stopped! As reported by Sky News: Michael Mancini had stopped his van in traffic and wiped his nose…
Seriously? A Motion To Continue A Trial For That?
Regular Juice readers may recall that this will not be the first post involving a Motion to Continue a trial due to … a football game! I’m sure it won’t be the last, unfortunately. And just in case you think that maybe The Juice just doesn’t like football … He…
Please, Tell Me You Didn’t File A Lawsuit Over That
No! I told you not to tell me that! As reported by The Cincinnati Enquirer: The 88-year-old Blue Ash woman arrested after refusing to give a 13-year-old neighborhood boy his football back after it landed in her yard has sued the youth’s parents, alleging emotional distress. Don’t laugh. This is…
Judge In Alaska Said What?
Per the Alaska Supreme Court’s decision, Judge David Landry: made inappropriate sexual comments to female court employees in the workplace. These included a note to a female employee that her “Hillbilly thermometers are distracting”, a note to a court clerk referring to a juror, stating, “I think Ms. _______ wants…