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Think This Mototirst Wishes He Had Respected The Cyclist?

As a bicycle commuter who has been on the receiving end of many unkind words, The Juice can relate to this incident, up until the gun part anyway. From the “WTF Were You Thinking” category, as reported in the Colorado Springs Police Department Crime Blotter: Incident Date: April 5, 2010…


Sure, “Iron Man” Was Good, But Dude, Seriously …

So 55-year-old Wyoming resident David Anthony Vaughn was enjoying “Iron Man” at the Eastridge Movies when the unthinkable occurred – the projector malfunctioned. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! When Mr. Vaughan demanded a refund, he was offered a voucher to see another movie. Maybe a later showing of “Iron Man?” Anyway, as reported in…


Excuse Me, But There’s A Rotten Toe In My Chewing Tobacco!

Really. Mr. Bryson Pillars was chewing some tobacco when … [I’ll let the Mississippi Supreme Court take it from here. They just don’t write them like they used to.] It seems that appellant [Mr. Pillars] consumed one plug of his purchase, which measured up to representations, that it was tobacco…

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