Whatever happened to “live and let live?” Something surely happened to it in the village of Lakemoor, Illinois. Just ask Ms. Tina Asmus, who used two toilets and a sink as planters in her yard. For this abominable crime, she was fined $25 under the village’s public nuisance ordinance, as…
Articles Posted in Best Of
Reptiliality? School Employee Not Exactly A “Role Model” – Found With Videos Of Woman Engaged In Sex Acts With Horses, Dogs, A Frog, A Donkey, A Gerbil, And A Snake On His Computer
Really? A frog? Forget about the mechanics of it (if you can). How can someone possibly derive sexual pleasure watching a woman and a frog? At least one gent did, as reported by The Sun: Michael Hall, 46 — who is also a school governor and worked on a council…
You Have A Gun In Your What?
Surely she didn’t mean she literally had a gun there… But, after Ms. Patterson was arrested in Orlando, Florida, when the police asked her if she had any weapons or drugs on her person, here’s what she is reported to have said: “I have a gun in my vagina, you…
Man, That Is A Really Cool $20 Coin!
Check out the new $20 coin! What do you mean there is no new $20 coin? But that guy said … Per The Patriot News: State police are looking for a man who passed a fake $20 coin at an ice cream parlor in Williams Township, Dauphin County. Police said…
Asking A Cop If He Wants A Doughnut? Doh! Bad Move.
But not for the reasons you might suspect. Up in Douglas County, Oregon, 2 fellers dressed like cowboys offered some doughnuts to a couple deputies. Now they didn’t take offense, mind you, just notice of how these dudes were dressed. So when they responded to a burglary, in which doughnuts…
Think Polarized
Nation, you’ve probably heard this expression before: “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Fuhgettaboutit. Not in these times. Reinforcing that notion, as reported by wkrn.com … A Nashville man says he and his 10-year-old daughter were…
Not Exactly Crack Shots
The Route 66 Kitchen in Toledo is apparently the place to be … if you like out-of-control gunfights. Check out the security video below. Incredibly with all those people shooting at each other (police believe at least 20 shots were fired), nobody was hurt!
Wyoming Driver Completely Wigs Out
This one sounds like something out of a movie. Just when you think, okay, that has to be it, the dude keeps it going. It all started with a call to the Wyoming Highway Patrol reporting a man driving erratically. Per The Kemmerer Gazette: The first caller advised the patrol…
Guess What This Man Says He Found In His Cereal?
Seriously, you won’t believe what this man claims he found in his cereal. Warning: DO NOT READ THIS WITHIN ONE HOUR OF EATING. As reported by The Telegraph (Macon, Georgia): An Upson County man and his wife have filed a federal suit against a grocery store chain and cereal manufacturer,…
Is Your Job Really That Bad?
How often do you think to yourself “I love work so much, I wish I never had to go home”? Me too. Still, how far would you go to get off of work early? Would you, say, start a fire in your office? How about turning off the breaker for…