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Reptiliality? School Employee Not Exactly A “Role Model” – Found With Videos Of Woman Engaged In Sex Acts With Horses, Dogs, A Frog, A Donkey, A Gerbil, And A Snake On His Computer

Really? A frog? Forget about the mechanics of it (if you can). How can someone possibly derive sexual pleasure watching a woman and a frog? At least one gent did, as reported by The Sun: Michael Hall, 46 — who is also a school governor and worked on a council…


Think Polarized

Nation, you’ve probably heard this expression before: “I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Fuhgettaboutit. Not in these times. Reinforcing that notion, as reported by … A Nashville man says he and his 10-year-old daughter were…

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